北京外国语大学同声翻译试题2000~2009,北京外国语大学2000年同声翻译试题i. 将下列短文译成英语(35%)失败产品提到产品,人们往往对名牌、精品津津乐道,而对一般产品却不屑一顾,对失败产品更是讳莫如深。其实,如同干任何事情都难有百分之百的把握一样,研制开发新产品也难免会遭遇失败。据悉,美国纽约有一个失败产品博物馆,该馆展出了美国大量不受欢迎的产品,目前总...

原文档由会员 寻找宁夏的风 发布
I. 将下列短文译成英语(35%)
失败。据悉,美国纽约有一个失败产品博物馆,该馆展出了美国大量不受欢迎的产品,目前总数已达8 万多件。该馆还向人民提供这样一个数字:美国每年推向市场的产品达5400 多种,而真正收到青睐的只有20%。应该说,我们的许多生产厂家都能正视失败产品,并从失败产品中汲取教训,比如有的企业专门设立失败产品陈列室、劣质产品样品仓库等等,但也有一些企业不能正确对待失败产品。更有甚者,在研制开发产品时动辄提出“只许成功,不许失败”的口号,这不仅有违客观规律,也是不现实的。
II. 将下列单句译成英语(15%)
1. 在全球经济日趋一体化的当今世界里,任何国家和地区的经济发展变化都与国际大环境
III. 将下列短文译成汉语(35%)
No issue is more in need of rethinking than the concept of humanitarian intervention put forward as the administration’s contribution to a new approach to foreign policy. The air war in Kosovo is Sjustified as establishing the principle that the international community —— at least NATO —— will henceforth punish the transgressions of governments against their own people. But we did not do so in Algeria, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Croatia, Rwanda, the Caucasus, the Kurdish area and many other regions. But what are the criteria for this distinction? And what will be our attitude to emerging ethnic conflicts in Asia, for example in Indonesia and the Philippines? The answer often given is that we act where we are able to without undue risk. And what kind of humanism expresses its reluctance to suffer military casualties by devastating the civilian economy of its adversary for decades to come?
Moral principles are expressed in absolutes. But foreign policy must forever be concerned with reconciling ends and means. The fact that ethnic cleansing is repugnant does not obviate the need to devise the most appropriate response. At every stage of the Kosovo tragedy, other mixes of diplomacy and force were available, though it is not clear they were ever seriously considered. A tragedy that vindicates its moral convictions only from altitudes above 15,000 feet —— and in the process devastates Serbia and makes Kosovo unlivable —— has already produced more……
I. 将下列短文译成英语(35%)
失败。据悉,美国纽约有一个失败产品博物馆,该馆展出了美国大量不受欢迎的产品,目前总数已达8 万多件。该馆还向人民提供这样一个数字:美国每年推向市场的产品达5400 多种,而真正收到青睐的只有20%。应该说,我们的许多生产厂家都能正视失败产品,并从失败产品中汲取教训,比如有的企业专门设立失败产品陈列室、劣质产品样品仓库等等,但也有一些企业不能正确对待失败产品。更有甚者,在研制开发产品时动辄提出“只许成功,不许失败”的口号,这不仅有违客观规律,也是不现实的。
II. 将下列单句译成英语(15%)
1. 在全球经济日趋一体化的当今世界里,任何国家和地区的经济发展变化都与国际大环境
III. 将下列短文译成汉语(35%)
No issue is more in need of rethinking than the concept of humanitarian intervention put forward as the administration’s contribution to a new approach to foreign policy. The air war in Kosovo is Sjustified as establishing the principle that the international community —— at least NATO —— will henceforth punish the transgressions of governments against their own people. But we did not do so in Algeria, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Croatia, Rwanda, the Caucasus, the Kurdish area and many other regions. But what are the criteria for this distinction? And what will be our attitude to emerging ethnic conflicts in Asia, for example in Indonesia and the Philippines? The answer often given is that we act where we are able to without undue risk. And what kind of humanism expresses its reluctance to suffer military casualties by devastating the civilian economy of its adversary for decades to come?
Moral principles are expressed in absolutes. But foreign policy must forever be concerned with reconciling ends and means. The fact that ethnic cleansing is repugnant does not obviate the need to devise the most appropriate response. At every stage of the Kosovo tragedy, other mixes of diplomacy and force were available, though it is not clear they were ever seriously considered. A tragedy that vindicates its moral convictions only from altitudes above 15,000 feet —— and in the process devastates Serbia and makes Kosovo unlivable —— has already produced more……