浅谈商务英语交往中的礼貌原则,有开题报告和任务书摘 要礼貌被视为一切人类行为的基本准则之一,在人与人的沟通中,礼貌是一个广泛的特点。同样,在国际商务交往中,礼貌也是商务交往者需要遵循的重要原则之一。然而,由于不同国家在文化上的差异性,不同文化背景的人们对于礼貌有着不一样的观点,这增加了如何在跨文化交际与谈判中适当运用礼貌原则的难度。针对此,本文主要...

原文档由会员 盛哥哥2010 发布有开题报告和任务书
摘 要
Politeness is seen as one of basic guidelines for all human behaviors and it is generally accepted that politeness is a pervasive feature in human communication.Meanwhile, in the international business communication, politeness is one of the important principles that negotiators need to obey. However, due to the cultural specificity of different nations, people with different cultural background have distinct points of view on politeness, which increases the difficulty of how to properly apply politeness principle in cross-cultural communication and negotiation. According to this, the paper mainly talks about the application of politeness principle in commercial communication.
Keywords: politeness principle; commercial English; cross-cultural communication.
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 I
引言 1
1、礼貌的概念 1
2、人际交往中礼貌原则占据重要地位 1
2.1礼貌与文化 1
2.2人际交往中常用礼貌语 2
2.2.1称呼 2
2.2.2邀请和提议 2
2.2.3致谢 2
3、商务英语中常常用到的礼貌原则 2
3.1语言表达要得体 2
3.1.1将命令式改为请求式 3
3.1.2使用过去时 3
3.1.3 使用被动语态 3
3.1.4使用第二人称 3
3.2要有宽宏大量的精神 3
3.3尽量多地使用赞扬 4
3.4要有谦虚的精神 4
4 结论 4
致 谢 6
参考文献 7