

小型发电厂发电机变压器组电气部分的设计,摘 要在现代化工业、农业和国民经济的各个部门中,电能已成为不可缺少的能源。随着现代工业的发展,各个行业对自动化水平提出更高要求。目前,我国除大规模电厂外中小型电厂比较多,主要担负着电厂大部分的工业供热和民用供热。本设计考虑到系统运行的可靠性和保证供电的安全性、经济性等因素,对主变压...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 四无一处 发布


摘 要

In modern industry, agriculture and the economic departments of electrical energy has become indispensable energy. With modern industry, the industry to automation set higher demands. At present, except in large power plant, and more, the most of the industry with power and even heating.
Designed to consider the operating system and ensure supply of security, economy, and so on the main transformer, electrical wiring in the form and design. In the electricity system, the most common and failure is the most dangerous forms of a short circuit breaker, in order to prevent causing damage, failure to expand the scope and limits of, and a short-circuit current computing and appropriate measures to ensure that the system in order to achieve security and economic. This design analyses the dynamo action, and protection, completed the design of protection of the relay to ensure that the generator based on fault conditions can have a choice, signals or electric generator system and removal from the rest of the system to continue the normal operation. In this design were also carried out in a relay to the protection of the design. according to the design of the result of lower short-circuit currents, the electrical equipment chosen and had a high voltage electrical equipment chosen.
The design of power plants — a combination of electric generator can be part of the power to ensure reliable power supply system of reliability and security.

Key words: generator; transformer; relay protection

目 录
0 前言 1
1 原始资料分析 2
1.1 本电厂在本地区的重要位置 2
1.2 地理自然条件分析 2
2 主变压器和电气主接线 3
2.1 主变压器的选择 3
2.1.1 主变压器容量选择 3
2.1.2 变压器形式的选择 3
2.2 电气主接线的选择 4
2.2.1 主接线设计的重要性 4
2.2.2 电气主接线的几个基本要求 4
2.2.3 注意事项 4
2.2.4 单母线分段接线 5
3 短路电流计算 9
3.1 概述 9
3.2 短路电流的计算 9
4 发电机继电保护设计 14
4.1 发电机故障、不正常工作状态及保护方式 14
4.2 发电机的纵差动保护设计 16
4.2.1 纵差动保护构成原理 16
4.3 复合电压闭锁启动的过电流保护设计 20
4.4 绝缘装置 26
5 变压器继电保护设计 27
5.1 电力变压器的故障及其保护方式 27
5.2 变压器的瓦斯保护设计 27
5.3 变压器的纵差动保护设计 28
6 技术经济分析 36
7 结论 37
致谢 38
参考文献 39