

六种常用抗菌药物对猪源链球菌的体外抗菌活性研究,摘 要   猪链球菌病是由链球菌感染所引起的猪的一类疾病的总称。猪链球菌急性常为出血型败血症和脑膜炎,慢性的以关节炎为特点。但是近年来链球菌病的非典型症状增多,病原菌的耐药性逐渐增强。本试验选用六种常用抗菌药物对从某猪场的病料中分离到的猪源链球菌进行体外抗菌活性研究,结果表明分离菌株对氨苄西林、阿莫西林高度敏感,对红霉...
分类: 论文>药学/医学论文


此文档由会员 四无一处 发布

摘    要

The experiment of 6 types of popular antibacterial drugs to make an in vitro chromatographic analysis on the swine streptococosis.
Name: Zhou Lei
                Major: Animal and Plant Quarantine
  Tutor: Yanqiu Luo
   Swine streptococosis is the general name of one swine disease caused by the streptococcal infection. Acute swine streptococosis is usually characterized as hemorrhagic septicemia and brain fever, and chronic as arthritis. But recent years, streptococcicosis has more and more atypical symptoms, and the drug resistance of pathogenicbacteria is growing strong. This experiment chooses 6 types of popular antibacterial drugs to make an in vitro chromatographic analysis on the swine streptococosis which is isolated from specimens in one hoggery, the result shows that strain isolation will be highly sensitve to ampicillin,amoxicillin; moderately sentive to erythrocin,gentamicin, and drug resistance to enrofloxacin penicillin. thus, it should be upon the drug sensitiveness test result to choose medicine in the clinical medication to achieve best treament effect.

Key Words:Antibacterial drugs;drug sensitive test;In vitro antibacterial activity

目    录
摘    要 I
Abstract II
前言 1
1  试验材料 3
  1.2 培养基 3
  1.3 药敏片 3
  1.4 抗菌药物 3
  1.5 无菌试管 3
  1.6 试验动物 3
  1.7 试验仪器 4
2  试验方法 5
  2.1 细菌的分离培养及鉴定 5
2.2 培养特性试验 6
2.3 生化试验 6
2.4 溶血试验 6
2.5 动物致病性试验……………………………...…..3
2.6 药敏试验 6
    2.7 最小抑菌浓度的测定 7
3  结果与分析 9
  3.1 细菌分离 9
  3.2 培养特性 9
  3.3 生化试验 9
  3.4 溶血性试验 10
3.5 致病性试验………………………...………..6
3.6 药敏性试验………………………………………….........6
    3.7 最小抑菌浓度试验……………………………..7
4  讨论…………………………………………...8
    结    论……………………………………………………….9
致    谢……………………………………………………...11