

单片机led滚动显示的毕业论文,单片机led滚动显示的毕业论文摘 要led显示屏是一种通过控制半导体发光的显示方式,它是由很多个红色的发光二极管组成,靠灯的亮灭来显示字符。led显示屏分为数码显示屏、图文显示屏和视频显示频。均由led矩阵块组成。目前由于led显示屏造价昂贵,主要应用于比较较高档的场所,主要集中在城市的繁华场所。在举办的2010年上海...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 逍遥少客 发布


摘   要

关键字: LED  显示屏  发光二极管  半导体








LED display is the display mode controlling by the semiconductor light emitting diode, it probably looks like that composition by a number of led is usually a red light-emitting diodes which show character by the LED on and off , LED display is divided into Digital display, Graphic display and Video display, which is compositioned by LED matrix block, As the cost of LED display expensive currently, mainly used in relatively high places, concentrated in the cities busting place, being held in the Shanghai Word Expo 2010, Future large-scale sporting events and other additional requirements will promote large-scale development of LED display, In addition, the original large-scale LED display screen will be updating once per 10 years, with the improvement of people's living standard, outdoor LED display will gradually be used in various industries.
The main achievement of this design is 16*16 LED display show the text and simple image, the extension function include real-time clock and real-time temperature measurement which is displayed by LCD1602 and LED dot matrix display screen. This design is divided into three big steps, which is software design, hardware simulation and in-kind production, fully reflects the combination of theory and practice. From this design process, I'm not only learned a lot of  useful knowledge, also increase my professional skill sand Improve my practical ability.

Keywords :  LED  Display  Semicondutor   








目 录
1  绪论 3
1.1  课题背景及意义 5
1.2  本课题相关介绍………………………………………………7
1.3  论文章节安排 7
2  系统的硬件部分设计 8
2.1  设计要求 8
2.2  设计基本方案 8
2.3  硬件电路芯片介绍 8
2.3.1  单片微型计算机简介 8
2.3.2  系统芯片的选择 9
2.3.3  主控制单片机 9
2.3.4  80C51接口说明 10
2.4  LED点阵制作 12
2.4.1  显示模块的选择 12
2.4.2  LED驱动模块的选择 12
2.4.3  主要芯片74LS138的介绍 12
2.5  16*16 LED点阵显示制作 14
2.5.1  16*16 LED点阵的内部结构及工作原理 14
2.6  硬件系统的整体设计图与原理分析 16
2.7  小结 18
3  系统的软件部分设计 19
3.1  程序设计思路与结构 19
3.1.1  程序设计思路 19
3.1.2  程序设计流程图 19
3.2  模块程序设计 21
3.2.1  系统初始化 21
3.2.2  LED动态显示 21
3.2.3  汉字显示程序设计 21
3.2.4  显示设计 22
3.3  小结 23
4  系统仿真 24
4.1  仿真环境介绍 24
4.2  仿真过程与结果 24
4.2.1  绘制电路图 24
4.2.2  HEX文件的生成 25
4.2.3  调试与结果 25
4.3  小结 27
结束语 28
致  谢 29
参 考 文 献 30
附录A  点阵电路整体硬件电路图 31