
此文档由会员 高级博士 发布浅析中小企业员工绩效考核管理中的问题研究
This thesis uses Balanced Score Card,BSC theory, goal management theory, Human resources management theory, the Management theories, motivational theory and etc, adopts qualitative analysis Combining with quantitative analysis, standardizes analysis, comparative analysis and etc. with the real example, sets up one kind of performance management modes suiting China medium and small-sized, especially IT enterprise. There are some innovation and characteristic aspects as follows: First, the characteristics of the small and medium enterprise and characteristic of knowledge type staff at present are analyzed systematically. Second, the current situation of China's small and medium enterprise, various kinds of questions existing in performance management at present are identified, Using advanced experience for reference, this text thesis proposes a new look at content pouring into to the management mode of the performance, and incentiveclearlly exposition the performance management mode which small and medium enterprises should adopt. The third, supporting supported by with company’s practice and using quantitative analysis method combined together, especially adopting Analytic Hierarchy Process to determine the weight of the goals. The Make performance examine management system is made further scientifice,rational, practical and effective. The administrator of the enterprise can find the answer of to solving the practical problems.
Key Words:Incentive mechanism; Balanced Score Card;Performance;small and medium-Sized enterprises
目 录
一、中小企业绩效考核管理理论综述 4
一、中小企业绩效考核管理理论综述 4
(一)中小企业绩效考核管理的特点 4
(二)员工绩效考核的理论基础 4
1、目标管理的应用现状 4
2、目标管理在绩效评价中的改进与完善目标管理 5
二、中小企业绩效考核管理的现状 6
(一)中小企业绩效考核管理的现状: 6
(二)我国中小企业企业在绩效管理中存在的问题: 6
1.绩效管理目的不够明确 7
2.绩效管理操作不够规范 7
3.绩效考评不够客观、透明 7
4.团队绩效和个人绩效脱节 8
(三)绩效考核管理的实证分析: 8
三、中小企业绩效考核的实施的方法 10
(一)目标管理法(MBO) 10
(二)360度反馈评价法 11
(三)平衡记分卡(BSC) 12
四、结论 13
参考文献 14