圆盘剪切机设计,包括论文,cad图纸,外文翻译等完整全套毕业设计作品摘 要现在各国工业迅猛发展,钢铁企业是国民经济的主要支柱,它的发展状况很大程度上可以反映出国家的实力。现代钢铁冶金业发展的一个着眼点就是在对钢材的处理速度。圆盘剪切机就是其中的一台重要设备。圆盘剪切机通常设置在精整作业线上,用来将运动着的钢板的纵向边缘切...
原文档由会员 biyele 发布圆盘剪切机设计
摘 要
The disc alligator shears design
The industry of various countries develops rapidly now, the steel, as the main pillar of industry, its development can reflect the national strength to a great extent. Modern steel metallurgy industry one starting point that develop in to processing speeds. Disc shears is an important equipment among them.
Disc shear machine set up in finishing production line. It usually uses to cutting neat the movement steel plate longitudinal edge and cut the strip into narrow one. It can be divided into two kinds according to its use: disc shears of cut stencil plate’s side and disc shears of cut strip.
The disc shears design calculation is taken in makes the massive investigation to the ANSHAN steel group Cold-rolling mill 1700 transverse cutting aircrew as the background. We have thorough understanding to the disc shears and the correlation equipment. We had very designed to the main transmission system, depress the system and gap adjustment organization, we are carry on these designs from the materials mechanics angle, dynamics and economic. The main content including electrical machinery selection, Axis and gear design, Implementing agency design and so on, and the same time, we make the optimized improvement and the intensity examination to the major parts. This design improvement spot: First, in radial clearance adjusting mechanism link motion gear, second, backlash adjustment increase self-locking installment. Third, the width control uses the planet gear speed reducer. Finally increased has measured the fast organization. This disc shears may use in the transverse cutting unit, the acid pickling unit generally and so on.
Key words: Disc shear, strip, depress the system, the intensity examination
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1选题的背景和目的 1
1.2 圆盘式剪切机国内外的发展现状 1
1.3 圆盘剪切机研究的内容和方法 3
1.3.1圆盘剪切机在机组的布置和作用 3
1.3.2 圆盘剪切机的类型和特点 5
1.3.3 圆盘剪切机设计内容和方法 5
2. 设计方案的选择和方案评述 6
3. 电机容量的计算 8
3.1 定性选电机 8
3.2 选择电动机的容量 8
3.3 确定转速 11
3.4 电动机的校核 12
4. 主要零件强度计算校核 14
4.1 齿轮的计算与校核 14
4.1.1齿轮的计算 14
4.1.2 按接触疲劳强度校核 14
4.1.3 按弯曲疲劳强度校核 18
4.2 传动轴的强度校核计算 20
4.2.1轴的材料及其机械性能 20
4.2.2 轴的模型及传递功率的确定 20
4.2.3 按弯扭合成进行轴的强度校核 21
4.2.4 按疲劳强度进行精确校核 24
4.3 轴承的选取及校核 28
4.3.1 根据工作条件选取轴承类型 28
4.3.2根据轴承结构确定轴承的型号 28
4.3.3轴承的寿命校核 28
4.3.4 验算轴承的极限转速 31
4.4.2 键的尺寸的选择 31
4.4.3键的强度校核 31
5. 联轴器的选择 33
5.1联轴器的分类 33
5.2联轴器的选择 33
5.3 联轴器的强度计算 33
6. 系统的润滑 35
6.1润滑剂的种类 35
6.2润滑方式的选择 35
6.3润滑方式的选择确定 35
6.3.1 齿轮减速器的润滑方式 35
6.3.2 部分传动齿轮、轴承的润滑方式 36
7. 试车方法和对控制系统的要求 37
7.1 试车要求 37
7.2 对控制系统的要求 37
8. 设备可靠性与经济评价 38
8.1 机械设备的有效度 38
8.2 机械设备的投资回收期 38
总结 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42