玻璃钢拉挤成型机总体设计,包括论文,cad图纸,答任务书目 录第一章 前 言21.1 玻璃钢及复合材料发展概况21.2 玻璃钢的物理性能2第二章 设计原理42.1 玻璃钢管原材料和成型工艺的选择42.1.1玻璃钢成型工艺的选择和设计42.1.2 原材料的选择和配置82.2无捻粗纱用量及各部分加热功率的计算122.2.1 ...
原文档由会员 biyele 发布玻璃钢拉挤成型机总体设计
目 录
第一章 前 言 2
1.1 玻璃钢及复合材料发展概况 2
1.2 玻璃钢的物理性能 2
第二章 设计原理 4
2.1 玻璃钢管原材料和成型工艺的选择 4
2.1.1玻璃钢成型工艺的选择和设计 4
2.1.2 原材料的选择和配置 8
2.2无捻粗纱用量及各部分加热功率的计算 12
2.2.1 无捻粗纱用量计算 12
2.2.2一次加热(预成型加热) 14
2.2.3二次加热(成型预热) 15
2.3.4三次加热(成型加热) 16
2.2.5四次加热(后固化加热) 17
第三章 设计内容 18
3.1 执行系统的方案设计 18
3.1.1 成型部方案设计 18
3.1.2牵引部的方案设计 23
3.2 原动机的选择 24
3.3 传动系统的方案设计 24
3.4 控制系统方案设计 25
3.4.1温度控制系统 25
3.4.2传动控制系统 25
3.4.3辅助控制系统 25
3.5 辅助系统的方案设计 25
3.5.1纱架的设计 26
3.5.2冷却装置的设计 26
3.5.3切割装置的设计 27
3.5.4机架的设计 27
第四章 结束语 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31
摘 要
关键词:玻璃钢/复合材料 玻璃钢拉挤成型机 总体方案
Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pultrusion Molding Machine
Abstract: The development of the glass fibre reinforced plastic / composite industry in the world has already had a history of nearly 60 years, it has irreplaceable superiority. In our country, the glass fibre reinforced plastic / composite is extensively applied to trades such as the building, petrochemical industry, metallurgy, electromechanics and shipbuilding,etc. Pultrusion molding craft , as a kind of important production manufacturing process of the glass fibre reinforced plastic, its technology is becoming better and approaching perfection day by day . According to our design task, it is very necessary to carry on overall conceptual design of the FRP Pultrusion Molding Machine. The content of this thesis mainly includes choosing raw materials of glass steel tube and the shaping craft, the glass fibre reinforced plastic draws the operation principle of the FRP Pultrusion Molding Machine, the mechanical equipment makes up the structure, and mechanical executive system, the designs of the transmission, control system and accessory system.
Keyword: Glass fibre reinforced plastic / composite FRP Pultrusion Molding
Machine Overall scheme