
原文档由会员 biyele 发布多功能磨粉机设计
摘 要
With the development of food industry, and the change of market demand in China in recent years, the mill emerge in endlessly. With the special food processing mill from scratch, from less than to a considerable development. Now on the market have special processing a crop of mill, crops are also can do a mill, the crops have processing after wet mill, also have dry wet amphibious of grinding machine. From large to small, numerous. The working principle of grinding machine is different also, with a blade cutting of crushing, and some were with micropipette grinding, also have a mechanism to chop, then grinding.
After my site to understand and to all the mill, the market main have large commercial grinding mill and small-sized mill, no one is medium mill. This small mill in need of users, not suitable products for its choice.For this kind of situation, design a medium mill, very suitable for small factories .To many crops, like rice, wheat, etc, also can grind the roots of the plant, leaf, etc. I have small multi-function wet grinding machine mainly if you change the size of materials, mechanical method overcomes the internal cohesiveness and solid materials will be large size of solid into small size of solid a processing. Machining tool of the disc mill is turning millstone, using two material abrasive shear powder.
Keywords: Grinding machine, disc, multi-function, dry and wet,crop
目 录
1前言 4
2粉碎原理 5
2.1锤式粉碎原理 5
2.2辊式粉碎原理 5
2.3气流粉碎原理 6
2.4盘式磨粉原理 7
3磨粉机总体设计 7
4主要部件的设计与计算 8
4.1磨片直径的确定 8
4.2磨片的强度 8
4.3动盘转动时产生不平衡力的计算 9
4.4螺旋推进杆器的设计计算 9
4.5螺旋面型的选择 10
4.6螺旋推进杆的设计 10
4.7螺旋角的设计 10
4.8螺旋推进器输送能力的核算 11
4.9螺旋直径与转速的核算 12
4.10电动机功率的确定 12
5磨粉系统 12
5.1磨片的设计 12
5.2螺旋推进器的设计 13
6传动系统 14
6.1轴的设计 14
6.2键的选择与强度计算 15
6.3V带传动设计 15
7粉粒大小的控制 17
8零件的结构设计 17
9多功能干湿磨粉机使用说明书 18
9.1用途及适用范围 18
9.2主要技术参数 18
9.3注意事项 18
9.4构造及工作原理 18
9.5安装及操作方法 18
9.6保养 19
9.7常见故障及排除方法 19
10总结 20
11参考文献 20