原文档由会员 biyele 发布小型便携式皮带输送机设计
Small portable belt conveyor design
Abstract:This graduation project is about the leather belt conveyer's design, first has made the simple outline to the conveyer, Then has analyzed conveyer's shaping principle and the computational method,then acts according to these design criterion and the computation shaping method according to assigns the parameter to request to carry on the shaping design;Then to conveyer each main spare part which chose has carried on the examination.。The popular belt type conveyer is composed of six major components;The transmission device,the airplane tail and leads the installment,middle rack,tightening device as well as leather belt. In the leather belt conveyer's design, the manufacture as well as the application aspect, at present our country and the overseas advanced level compared still had the big disparity, the home have many insufficiencies in the design manufacture belt type conveyer process。
Key words: Belt conveyer;Shaping design;Drive;Major component
目 录
摘要 - 1 -
Abstract - 2 -
设计任务书 - 5 -
1带式输送机基本原理 - 6 -
1.1主要特点: - 6 -
1.2结构组成: - 6 -
1.3布置方式: - 6 -
1.4传动方案的拟定 - 7 -
1.5传动型式与驱动装置 - 8 -
1.6带式输送机的应用 - 8 -
2带式输送机的设计计算 - 9 -
2.1 带宽和输送带的确定 - 9 -
2.1.1带宽的确定 - 9 -
2.1.2输送带的选择 - 9 -
2.2 圆周驱动力 - 10 -
2.2.1计算公式 - 10 -
2.2.2 主要特种阻力计算 - 12 -
2.2.3 附加特种阻力计算 - 13 -
2.2.4 倾斜阻力计算 - 14 -
2.3 电动机的功率计算 - 14 -
2.4输送带张力计算 - 15 -
2.4.1输送带不打滑条件校核 - 15 -
2.4.2输送带下垂度校核 - 16 -
三.驱动装置的选用与设计 - 17 -
3.1电机的选用 - 17 -
3.2传动比的分配 - 17 -
3.3传动装置的运动和动力参数计算 - 17 -
3.4滚子链传动设计计算 - 19 -
3.5齿轮的设计 - 21 -
3.5.1高速级圆柱直齿的设计 - 21 -
3.5.2低速级圆柱直尺齿轮设计 - 23 -
3.6轴系零件的设计计算 - 25 -
四.带式输送机部件的选用 - 27 -
4.1 传动滚筒的计算 - 27 -
4.1.1 传动滚筒的作用及类型 - 27 -
4.1.2传动滚筒结构 - 27 -
4.1.3传动滚筒的直径验算 - 28 -
4.2托辊 - 28 -
4.2.1 托辊的作用与类型 - 28 -
4.2.2托辊的选型 - 29 -
4.3联轴器的选择 - 30 -
4.4拉紧装置 - 31 -
4.5机架 - 31 -
4.6润滑与密封 - 32 -
参 考 文 献 - 33 -
致 谢 - 34 -