此文档由会员 bshhty 发布我国中小企业融资难问题探讨----毕业论文
关键词:中小企业 融资 成因分析 解决措施
Since reform and opening up, China has made considerable development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the economic development and social stability play an important role. With the constant improvement of China's market economic system and the integration of the world economy growing trend, it is facing unprecedented development opportunities and challenges. Capital is an indispensable factor of production processes, and stable financing channels are an important precondition for the development of small and medium enterprises. The most prominent problem that small and medium enterprises in the development process faced is the scarcity of capital and the sluggish of financial channels. This paper analyzed in-depth the status and causes of the status and causes of small and medium enterprises financing, then combined the existent problems and put forward to some measures on easing financing difficulties.
Key words: Small and Medium Enterprises; Finance; Cause Analyze; Solutions
目 录
一、序论 6
二、本论 6
(一)、我国中小企业融资现状 6
(二)、我国中小企业融资难成因分析 8
1、中小企业自身问题 8
2、银行方面的因素 9
3、政府方面的因素 10
(三)、中小企业融资的国际比较与借鉴 11
1、有关国家和地区政府的支持举措 11
2、国外政府对中小企业支持的启示 13
(四)、解决我国中小企业融资困难的对策 14
1、企业自身建设 14
2、银行及金融机构的支持 15
3、政府的大力扶持 16
三、结论 18
附录 19
文献综述 19
一、前言 20
二、正文 21
(一)、中小企业和融资的定义 21
(二)、中小企业在我国国民经济中的重要地位 22
(三)、我国中小企业融资难原因分析 23
(2)、外部原因主要有 23
参考文献 30
致谢 32