

员工培训管理系统,35页 10100字 开题+设计说明+程序代码摘 要是采用visaul foxpro开发的一个数据库管理系统。foxpro是自含型数据库管理系统,是解释型和编译型混合的系统,可以解释方式定义、 操纵数据库 、也可以将操作过程编写为程序进行编译,脱离系统直接运行,特别适合自身情况,所以决定采用foxpro...
分类: 论文>计算机论文



原文档由会员 bysjlw8 发布

35页 10100字 开题+设计说明+程序代码

摘 要
员工培训管理系统是采用VISAUL FOXPRO开发的一个数据库管理系统。FoxPro是自含型数据库管理系统,是解释型和编译型混合的系统,可以解释方式定义、 操纵数据库 、也可以将操作过程编写为程序进行编译,脱离系统直接运行,特别适合自身情况,所以决定采用FoxPro。

关键字:面向对象, 员工 , 员工培训
administrative system of the employee training" adopts a data base management system that VISAUL FOXPRO6.0 developed . This design instruction has told the basic function of VISAUL BASIC6.0 and design method mainly . Whether is it adopt soft project design method come implementation system to design originally. Network analysis , designs systematically , realizes systematically , safeguards systematicallying. Successively with dataflow picture, data dictionary, function structure chart various kinds of datum analyticl system take of system in network analysis. In the design of the system, detailed each function module which has represented the system. Necessary database form and literary name section. Design of the menu ,etc.. In the realization of the system, provide and realize the incidents and codes of the corresponding function controlling part among forms. And the method that the menu realize. Provide the main function source code of this system at the end of the article.
This system has data entry , the data are stored, file inquiry, such functions as the report form is typed, the interactive interface friendship of the system.

Keywords: Face the target ,employee , employee , training

目 录
摘 要
2 系统设计
3 数据库设计
3.1 数据库需求分析
3.2 数据库概念结构设计
3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计
3.4 数据库结构的实现
4 系统主要功能模块的创建
5 系统的编译和发行
结 束 语
致 谢
参 考 文 献