双筒液压减震器设计,摘 要为改善汽车行驶平顺性,悬架中与弹性元件并联安装减振器,为衰减振动,汽车悬架系统中采用减振器多是液力减振器,其工作原理是当车架(或车身)和车桥间受振动出现相对运动时,减振器内的活塞上下移动,减振器腔内的油液便反复地从一个腔经过不同的孔隙流入另一个腔内。此时孔壁与油液间的摩擦和油液分子间的内摩擦对...

此文档由会员 bshhty 发布双筒液压减震器设计
摘 要
关键词:油压式; 减振器; 优化;阻尼系数;工作缸
The shock absorber is an important constituent of automobile suspension; it has a big change in the structure of the shock absorber until now. The performance also had big enhancement. Through the deep understanding of the history and tendency of the shock absorber, we make clear the importance and significance of the designing of the shock absorber, and design a kind of shock absorber which is applied to the suspension of the compact car. The main problems discussed in this paper are as follows:
(1)The design to the structure of the gasification type shock absorber. It mainly determines the types of the shock absorber, layouts, the angle of installing and the quantity of selecting, these are the foundation of the designing of the sizes.
(2)The design to the size of the gasification type shock absorber. It includes relative damping coefficient, the determination of the biggest discharge strength, and the computing of the sizes of work cylinder, piston, connecting rod, valve and related spare parts.
(3)After completing the structural design and the designing of the sizes, the shock absorber intensity and the stability should be checked, the results should conform to the country related technical standards.
(4)The optimization design to the structure of the gasification type shock absorber, which mainly concludes the comparison of connected pieces and optimization of the welding process.
(5)The building of the three-dimensional model of the gasification type shock absorber. It includes the building of the work-cylinder, piston, rod and the relevant parts of the model, and assembly methods.
In this paper, the results of research has important theoretical and practical significance on the shock absorber’s further study, the optimal scheme which put forward in this paper has provided the certain theoretical basis for the manufacturing of the reality production.
Key words: Type;Shock Absorber;Optimization;Damping Factor;Work Cylinder
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义 1
1.2 减振器的发展历史 2
1.3双筒式减振器国内外发展状况和发展趋势 3
1.4 研究的主要内容及方法 4
第2章 减振器的类型和工作原理 6
2.1 减振器的类型 6
2.2 减振器的工作原理 6
2.3 双筒式液压减振器的工作原理及优点 7
2.4 本章小结 8
第3章 双筒式液压减振器的设计 9
3.1 双筒式液压减振器的设计参数 9
3.2双筒减在振器的外特性与设计的原则 9
3.2.1 汽车悬架与减振器的匹配与减振器的放置 9
3.2.2 双筒式液压减振器的外特性 10
3.2.3 双筒式减振器的外特性设计原则 11
3.3 双筒式减振器参数和尺寸的确定 12
3.3.1 双筒式减振器相对阻尼系数的确定 12
3.3.2 双筒式减振器阻尼系数的确定 14
3.3.3 最大卸荷力的确定 16
3.3.4 减振器工作缸直径D的确定 16
3.3.5 双筒式减振器活塞行程的确定 17
3.3.6 液压缸壁厚、缸盖、活塞杆和最小导向长度的计算 18
3.3.7 液压缸的结构设计 24
3.3.8 活塞及阀系的尺寸计算 26
3.3.9 密封元件和工作油液的确定 29
3.4 本章小结 31
第4章 双筒液压减振器的结构优化 32
4.1双筒液压减振器连接件的优化 32
4.2 双筒液压振器焊接方法的优化 34
4.3 本章小结 35
第5章 双筒液压减振器的三维造型 36
5.1 运用Inventor对双筒液压的主要零件进行绘制 36
5.1.1工作缸的三维造型 36
5.1.2活塞的三维造型 37
5.1.3活塞杆的三维造型 40
5.1.4活塞的三维造型 41
5.2 双筒液压减振器的装配过程 45
5.3 本章小结 57
结 论 58
参考文献 59
致 谢 60
附 录 61