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网络书店系统正是为实现用户在网上购书而设计的。网络书店管理系统基于ASP(Active Server Pages,动态网页)环境的系统。ASP的全称是Active Server Pages,可以理解为“动态服务器页面”技术。它提供了在服务器端执行脚本的环境,从而可以实现服务器与客户端真正意义上的交互,并根据客户端的请求予以动态响应。ASP是服务器端脚本环境,可以用来创建交互式Web页并用于建立强大的Web应用程序。且ASP是目前最流行的Web服务器应用开发技术,它将程序脚本、超文本和强大的数据库访问功能结合在一起,并提供了众多的服务器组件来扩展功能。
关键词:动态服务器页面 Internet信息服务 超文本语言 脚本语言
Electronic commerce is a major trend of present network application. In the last few years Internet quickly consist in the electronics business. Network surfer can order goods from online shops that increase quickly. The marketing system of the network is one of the online systems used extensively on Internet at present. The network bookstore is an inevitable demand of the information social development. Internet make information society develop fast, at the same time also have offered huge market space undoubtedly for the development of online bookshop. Therefore, network bookshop become countries develop the goal of first selection of commerce. Countries biggest commerce web also is network bookshop. Network development do not stop, network bookshop development will not stop.
Network Bookstore System is exactly designed for the net shopping customer. Network bookshop management system based on ASP environment. The full name of ASP is Active Server Pages, may understand as the active server page surface technology. It have offered in the environment of server end conducted script, may so realize server hold the interaction on genuine meaning with customer, give an active respond according to the request of customer. ASP is a server of script environment, may be used found interactive Web page apply program used in the Web of powerful establishment. ASP is now the most popular Web server technology of exploratory development, it will program script, HTM and powerful database visit function together, have offered some server assembly expand function.
Keyword: ASP IIS HTML Script language
目 录
一、网络书店系统概述 1
㈠我国网络书店的发展 1
㈡网络书店的优势 1
㈢网络书店的开发技术 2
二、网络书店系统分析 3
㈠网络书店功能要求 4
㈡网络书店系统流程分析 4
㈢网络书店数据字典 5
三、网络书店系统设计 6
㈠系统设计的任务和原则 6
㈡网络书店系统功能模块设计 6
㈢网络书店数据库设计 7
四、网络书店系统实施与维护 9
㈠系统运行环境建立 9
㈡网络书店用户功能实施 9
㈢网络书店系统测试 13
五、网络书店系统总结 14
附录 14
参考文献 16