
此文档由会员 逍遥少客 发布基于DSP异步交流电机变频调速控制系统毕业设计主体(论文)
本课题主要针对交流异步电机变频调速控制系统进行了研究和探讨,提出了相应的软、硬件设计方案,以TI公司的电机专用控制芯片DSP TMS320LF2407A为控制核心,采用V/F控制和空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)相结合的控制方法,实现了对交流异步电机变频调速控制。
With the development of power electronic technology,and as well as different kinds of new control models and advanced control methods used in motor speed control system,the accuracy of AC motor control system has been significantly improved.To meet the requirements of high•performance,energy saving and environmental,AC motor converter is gradually replacing DCconverter in the field of electric drive andplays an important role with its unique advantage.
The main topic of this paper is to introduce and discuss AC induction motor Ijrequency variable control system,and the corresponding hardware and software design will be mentioned as well.One solution is to use motor control chip DSP TMS320LF2407Awith V/F and SVPWM control methods to control AC together induction variable control motorequencysystem.
Amathematical model of inductionmotor and VVVFprinciple are given in this paper;A control circuit with a minimize DSP system as the core and main invertercircuit and signal acquisition circuit are designed here;Make the above Frequency Control Strategy into actualization using C language in the environment of CCS;Meanwhile,in order to achieve the flexibility of the control system,VC++PCcontrol program is also used.The system can be controlled by a PCvia the serial port,and the motor running states Canbe displayed on the PC screen;To facilitate themulti‘motor control andrealize the remote control,the CANbus is also extended.
Finally,the experimental results and waveform analysis are given in this paper.Theresults showed that the VVVF control system has good speedstatic and dynamic performance,the effectiveness andfeasibility of the designed system is proved.
Keywords:DSP,SVPWM.AC induction motor,VVVF
中文摘要 1
第一章 绪论 4
1.1本课题研究的背景和意义 4
1.2交流电机变频调速的发展概况 4
1.2.1电力电子技术的发展 4
1.2.2变频调速控制理论的发展 5
1.2.3电机控制芯片的发展 6
1.3本课题研究的内容 7
第二章 交流异步电机的数学模型 9
2.1异步电机的原始数学模型 9
2.2坐标变换 11
2.2.1从三相到两相的静止坐标变换(3s/2s) 11
2.2.2从两相静止到两相旋转的坐标转换(2s/2r) 12
2.3交流异步电动机在不同坐标系的数学模型 13
2.3.1在两相静止坐标系的数学模型 13
2.3.2在两相旋转坐标系的数学模型 13
2.4本章小结 14
第三章交流异步电机变频调速原理 15
3.1 V/F控制原理 15
3.2电压空间矢量(SVPWM)控制原理 16
3.2.1电压空间矢量的三相功率逆变器 16
3.2.2基本电压空间矢量的形成及作用时间的计算 16
3.2.3用DSP实现SVPWM的两种方案 19
3.3本章小结 20
第四章 变频调速系统的硬件电路设计 21
4.1系统硬件结构 21
4.2主电路设计 21
4.2.1整流电路 21
4.2.2.滤波电路 22
4.2.3逆变电路 23智能功率模块 IPM 23 IPM的选用 23 IPM外围接口电路设计 26
4.3信号采集电路设计 28
4.3.1 HCNR200简介 29
4.3.2电压电流采集电路设计 29
4.4控制电路设计 30
4.4.1主控芯片TMS320LF2407A介绍 30
4.4.2 DSP最小系统设计 31
4.4.3 DSP外围接口电路设计 34
4.5本章小结 35
第五章变频调速系统的软件设计 36
5.1 系统软件整体设计 36
5 .2 CCS集成开发环境概述 37
5.3 系统程序设计及说明 38
5. 3.1 程序工程的建立 38
5.3.2程序说明 39
5.3.3 Q格式说明 40
5.4本章小结 41
第六章实验结果及分析 42
1.实验系统图 42
2.电压空间矢量波形 42
3.死区时间观测 43
4.不同频率的PWM输出波形观测 44
总结 46
参考文献 47
致谢 49