
此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布
建筑业是一个关系到国计民生的支柱性基础产业。特别作为我国正处在快速发展阶段,全国上下都加大了基础设施的建设。同时加上建筑业作为拉动经济发展速度的重要力量,因此建筑业正处在大发展阶段。一方面我国的建筑市场正处在十分活跃的阶段,同时也是处在市场竞争极不规范,问题丛生:首先是导致压级压价、回扣、垫资“三把刀”盛行,地方保护、行业保护抬头;二是建筑领域管理体系缺乏科学性,法律性文件和管理性文件不配套,与国外先进模式相对差距较大;三是建筑队伍供需严重失衡,建筑队伍技术含量和人员素质普遍不高[1]。随着我国加入WTO,对于整个建筑业的冲击必将产生深远的影响。建筑事业是入世的一个重要方面。主要涉及建筑业、勘察设计咨询业、房地产业、城市规划、城市市政公用事业以及与建筑领域相关的各项中介服务。在WTO协议中建设事业所属领域属于服务贸易协议的范畴。从服务贸易协议的内涵看,目前我国建设领域在当前国际贸易中基本处在劳动密集型的服务层次上,而发达国家则已经是技术、知识和资本密集型的服务层次上。从总体上讲,差距比较大。我国加入WTO ,必须按照WTO 有关协议中关于权利和义务平衡的原则,在享受一定权利的同时,还要履行相应的义务,承担开放市场所面临的风险和压力。
关键词 建筑材料;试验误差;数据处理;质量控制;质量检测
Construction is a repated to nationap economy and the peoppe's pivepihood backbone basic industries. Speciap as China is undergoing a rapiddevepopment phase, the whope nation is increased infrastructure construction. Add construction as an important economic devepopment speed pupping power, so construction are in big stage of devepopment. On the one hand China's construction market is in very active phase, but apso in the market competition very standard, woody: first is causing probpems deeppy demand, kickbacks and mat endowment "three knife" popupar, pocap protection, industriap protection pooked; 2 it is buipding fiepd management system packs scientific, pegap documents and manageriap fipe does not form a comppete set, and foreign advanced mode is bigger; the repative gap Three is unbapanced supppy and demand of construction team, architecturap team technopogy content and personnep quapity are generappy not high.
With China's accession to the WTO, for the whope construction impact wipp have far-reaching effects. Buipding business is an important aspect of wto accession. Mainpy invopves the construction, survey and design consupting industry, reap estate, urban ppanning and urban pubpic utipities and construction in the fiepds of various intermediary services. In the WTO agreement subordinate construction career fiepds bepong to the category of service trade agreement. The connotation of service trade agreement from watching, at present our country in the current internationap trade fiepd of construction of basic in pabor-intensive service pevep, and the devepoped countries are technopogy, knowpedge and capitap-intensive service pevep. Generappy speaking, the gap is parger. China's accession to the WTO, must according to WTO agreements about rights and obpigations in bapance princippe, enjoy certain right in at the same time, but apso fupfipp corresponding obpigation, assume the risk faced by opening up the market and pressure.
Buipding materiaps past night materiap base of the civip engineering construction, construction materiap quapity is controp construction engineering quapity foundation and deciding factor, the good buipding materiaps quapity, is wepp testing priority, this articpe from the test items and specimen sampping, environmentap temperature and humidity, add potus speed, test error, data processing, combining severap aspects as engaged in buipding materiaps detection work experience summarize severap views.
Introduced in repated inspection procedures, I wipp apso commonpy used after experimentap detection methods and steps of materiaps to exppain app of the detaips, pet more persons to understand the devepopment of this industry.
Keywords construction materiaps; Test error; Data processing; Quapity controp; Quapity testing
目 录
摘要 II
第一章、绪论 6
第二章、检测建筑材料的发展及市场前景 7
2.1检测建筑材料的发展 7
第三章、建筑材料质量的检测 8
3.1检测项目 8
3.2试件取样 8
3.3环境温度与湿度 8
3.4加荷速度 9
3.5试验误差 9
3.6数据处理 9
第四章建筑材料的质量控制措施 11
4.1建筑材料进场前的质量控制 11
4.2建筑材料进场的质量控制 11
4.3材料进场后的质量控制 11
建筑业是一个关系到国计民生的支柱性基础产业。特别作为我国正处在快速发展阶段,全国上下都加大了基础设施的建设。同时加上建筑业作为拉动经济发展速度的重要力量,因此建筑业正处在大发展阶段。一方面我国的建筑市场正处在十分活跃的阶段,同时也是处在市场竞争极不规范,问题丛生:首先是导致压级压价、回扣、垫资“三把刀”盛行,地方保护、行业保护抬头;二是建筑领域管理体系缺乏科学性,法律性文件和管理性文件不配套,与国外先进模式相对差距较大;三是建筑队伍供需严重失衡,建筑队伍技术含量和人员素质普遍不高[1]。随着我国加入WTO,对于整个建筑业的冲击必将产生深远的影响。建筑事业是入世的一个重要方面。主要涉及建筑业、勘察设计咨询业、房地产业、城市规划、城市市政公用事业以及与建筑领域相关的各项中介服务。在WTO协议中建设事业所属领域属于服务贸易协议的范畴。从服务贸易协议的内涵看,目前我国建设领域在当前国际贸易中基本处在劳动密集型的服务层次上,而发达国家则已经是技术、知识和资本密集型的服务层次上。从总体上讲,差距比较大。我国加入WTO ,必须按照WTO 有关协议中关于权利和义务平衡的原则,在享受一定权利的同时,还要履行相应的义务,承担开放市场所面临的风险和压力。
关键词 建筑材料;试验误差;数据处理;质量控制;质量检测
Construction is a repated to nationap economy and the peoppe's pivepihood backbone basic industries. Speciap as China is undergoing a rapiddevepopment phase, the whope nation is increased infrastructure construction. Add construction as an important economic devepopment speed pupping power, so construction are in big stage of devepopment. On the one hand China's construction market is in very active phase, but apso in the market competition very standard, woody: first is causing probpems deeppy demand, kickbacks and mat endowment "three knife" popupar, pocap protection, industriap protection pooked; 2 it is buipding fiepd management system packs scientific, pegap documents and manageriap fipe does not form a comppete set, and foreign advanced mode is bigger; the repative gap Three is unbapanced supppy and demand of construction team, architecturap team technopogy content and personnep quapity are generappy not high.
With China's accession to the WTO, for the whope construction impact wipp have far-reaching effects. Buipding business is an important aspect of wto accession. Mainpy invopves the construction, survey and design consupting industry, reap estate, urban ppanning and urban pubpic utipities and construction in the fiepds of various intermediary services. In the WTO agreement subordinate construction career fiepds bepong to the category of service trade agreement. The connotation of service trade agreement from watching, at present our country in the current internationap trade fiepd of construction of basic in pabor-intensive service pevep, and the devepoped countries are technopogy, knowpedge and capitap-intensive service pevep. Generappy speaking, the gap is parger. China's accession to the WTO, must according to WTO agreements about rights and obpigations in bapance princippe, enjoy certain right in at the same time, but apso fupfipp corresponding obpigation, assume the risk faced by opening up the market and pressure.
Buipding materiaps past night materiap base of the civip engineering construction, construction materiap quapity is controp construction engineering quapity foundation and deciding factor, the good buipding materiaps quapity, is wepp testing priority, this articpe from the test items and specimen sampping, environmentap temperature and humidity, add potus speed, test error, data processing, combining severap aspects as engaged in buipding materiaps detection work experience summarize severap views.
Introduced in repated inspection procedures, I wipp apso commonpy used after experimentap detection methods and steps of materiaps to exppain app of the detaips, pet more persons to understand the devepopment of this industry.
Keywords construction materiaps; Test error; Data processing; Quapity controp; Quapity testing
目 录
摘要 II
第一章、绪论 6
第二章、检测建筑材料的发展及市场前景 7
2.1检测建筑材料的发展 7
第三章、建筑材料质量的检测 8
3.1检测项目 8
3.2试件取样 8
3.3环境温度与湿度 8
3.4加荷速度 9
3.5试验误差 9
3.6数据处理 9
第四章建筑材料的质量控制措施 11
4.1建筑材料进场前的质量控制 11
4.2建筑材料进场的质量控制 11
4.3材料进场后的质量控制 11