关于大制作电影营销策略分析(毕业论文),中 国 矿 业 大 学本科生毕业设计(论文)共15980字中文题目:大制作电影营销策略分析 英文题目:the analysis of big-budget movie’s marketing theory摘要经济危机的阴霾尚未散去,“口红效应”引起的全球电影市场繁荣却逐步体现。09年,国内电影市场票房总数更是达到了62...

此文档由会员 陈海峰 发布
中 国 矿 业 大 学
中文题目: 大制作电影营销策略分析
英文题目: the Analysis of Big-budget movie’s Marketing Theory
Economic crisis has not dissipated the haze, "lipstick effect" caused by gradual global film market boom is reflected. In 2009, the total domestic box office film market is reaching 6.2 billion yuan, an increase of 42.96% of the year, so the industry was a call for "movie golden years" of the arrival of the argument. However, in good circumstances, it should be noted there are many domestic film market, particularly the lack of film marketing. This paper compares the recent release of two big films, as the starting point of the film marketing, discussion, analysis, comparison of the current Hollywood films with the domestic large differences in marketing strategies, and found large domestic film production and marketing strategy the foreign level of maturity gap, 6P marketing theory is proposed based on recommendations for improvement.
Keywords:Big-budget movie;Film Marketing;6P Marketing Theory
目 录
1 背景介绍 1
1.1 全球电影市场现状 1
1.2 中国电影市场现状 2
1.3 政府相关政策 4
2 电影营销概述 5
2.1电影营销概念 5
2.2中国电影营销模式现状分析 5
3 好莱坞营销模式分析 9
3.1 特点 9
3.2 案例分析 10
3.2.1 联合大品牌宣传 11
3.2.2 植入美剧 12
3.2.3 “阿凡达日”制造舆论 12
4 国内大制作电影营销模式分析 14
4.1 特点 14
4.1.1“营销大于影片”的文化产业理念 14
4.1.2 系统的整合营销传播过程 15
4.1.3 焦点营销,抓住突破口 16
4.2 案例分析 17
4.2.1 广告营销 17
4.2.2 与盛大合作 18
5 电影营销策略 19
5.1 6P营销策略 19
5.1.1 产品策略 19
5.1.2 价格、渠道策略 20
5.1.3 促销策略 20
5.1.4 政治力量 21
5.1.5 公共关系及口碑 21
5.2 整合营销策略 22
5.2.1 纵向资源的整合 22
5.2.2 品牌营销 23
6 结论 25
6.1营销观念淡薄 25
6.2营销人才奇缺 26
6.3营销模式单一 26
中文题目: 大制作电影营销策略分析
英文题目: the Analysis of Big-budget movie’s Marketing Theory
Economic crisis has not dissipated the haze, "lipstick effect" caused by gradual global film market boom is reflected. In 2009, the total domestic box office film market is reaching 6.2 billion yuan, an increase of 42.96% of the year, so the industry was a call for "movie golden years" of the arrival of the argument. However, in good circumstances, it should be noted there are many domestic film market, particularly the lack of film marketing. This paper compares the recent release of two big films, as the starting point of the film marketing, discussion, analysis, comparison of the current Hollywood films with the domestic large differences in marketing strategies, and found large domestic film production and marketing strategy the foreign level of maturity gap, 6P marketing theory is proposed based on recommendations for improvement.
Keywords:Big-budget movie;Film Marketing;6P Marketing Theory
目 录
1 背景介绍 1
1.1 全球电影市场现状 1
1.2 中国电影市场现状 2
1.3 政府相关政策 4
2 电影营销概述 5
2.1电影营销概念 5
2.2中国电影营销模式现状分析 5
3 好莱坞营销模式分析 9
3.1 特点 9
3.2 案例分析 10
3.2.1 联合大品牌宣传 11
3.2.2 植入美剧 12
3.2.3 “阿凡达日”制造舆论 12
4 国内大制作电影营销模式分析 14
4.1 特点 14
4.1.1“营销大于影片”的文化产业理念 14
4.1.2 系统的整合营销传播过程 15
4.1.3 焦点营销,抓住突破口 16
4.2 案例分析 17
4.2.1 广告营销 17
4.2.2 与盛大合作 18
5 电影营销策略 19
5.1 6P营销策略 19
5.1.1 产品策略 19
5.1.2 价格、渠道策略 20
5.1.3 促销策略 20
5.1.4 政治力量 21
5.1.5 公共关系及口碑 21
5.2 整合营销策略 22
5.2.1 纵向资源的整合 22
5.2.2 品牌营销 23
6 结论 25
6.1营销观念淡薄 25
6.2营销人才奇缺 26
6.3营销模式单一 26