xxxxx公司内部审计的范围、职能和作用及内部审计的依据和证据和内部审计制度设计 合格作品.doc


xxxxx公司内部审计的范围、职能和作用及内部审计的依据和证据和内部审计制度设计 合格作品,摘要 随着本世纪初美国一系列财务舞弊丑闻的相继爆发,内部审计逐渐从“幕后”走向“台前”,成为关注的焦点。作为公司治理四大基石之一,内部审计运行的有效性开始受到人们的普遍关注。内部审计日益成为企业管理体系中的重要组成部分,成为企业进行内部有效控制和监督的重要方式。市场经济体制和现代企业制度环境下的企业,面临的是复杂的市场...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要


【关键词】 内部审计 企业 内部审计制度

Internal audit has been attracted more and more attention as the out break of a serial of financial fraud scandals in the early 21 century. As one of four footstones of corporate governance, internal audit has been extensive concern . It has become an important part of corporate management system and an important means of effective internal control and supervision .Enterprises in economic environment of Market economy and modern enterprise system are faced with complex market situation and fierce competition, which makes it necessary for internal audit to be involved in all the management activities of enterprises, so that it helps manager to be run the entity and to make correct decisions. However, the present internal audit is unable to meet the needs and requirements of modern businesses because it has problems in such aspects as laws and regulations, institutional arrangement, quality of personnel and so on. This article aims to analyze these problems of present internal audit and to propose the improvement, further improve the internal audit system.

Keywords Internal Audit Enterprise Internal Audit System

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章XXXXXX公司概况 1
1.1自然概况 1
1.2经营概况 1
第2章内部审计的范围、职能和作用 3
2.1内部审计的范围 3
2.2 内部审计的职能 3
2.3内部审计的作用 5
第3章内部控制评审 7
第4章内部审计对象的选择 9
第5章内部审计的依据和证据 11
5.1内部审计依据的选择 11
5.2内部审计证据的意义和分类 12
5.3内部审计证据的收集和鉴定 12
第6章内部审计制度设计 14
6.1财务审计 14
6.1.1采购循环的审计 14
6.1.2存货循环的审计 16
6.1.3货币资金循环的审计 17
6.1.4固定资产循环的审计 19
6.1.5工薪和人事循环的审计 19
6.2管理审计 20

结束语 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
