此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
关键词 销售 核算 设计
The enterprise establishes perfect sales accounting the calculation system,to the promotion of sustainable development ability of enterprises,to improve enterprise management activities of the profitability and management efficiency,help to promote the integrity and credibility and maintaining enterprise a good reputation and image.This combination of the actual sales accounted for an accounting system design.Design is divided into three parts:The first part introduce the basic nature,from the company's management on the survey,about two aspects in introducing;The second part of the sales income from sales and income,the company sales confirmation two aspects for the introduction of the two;The third part for silk to fashion ltd sales accounted for the accounting system of the design From the accounting system design,perfected internal control system design both concrete design and fashion fall to provide information and accounting practices.
Keywords Sales Accounting Design
关键词 销售 核算 设计
The enterprise establishes perfect sales accounting the calculation system,to the promotion of sustainable development ability of enterprises,to improve enterprise management activities of the profitability and management efficiency,help to promote the integrity and credibility and maintaining enterprise a good reputation and image.This combination of the actual sales accounted for an accounting system design.Design is divided into three parts:The first part introduce the basic nature,from the company's management on the survey,about two aspects in introducing;The second part of the sales income from sales and income,the company sales confirmation two aspects for the introduction of the two;The third part for silk to fashion ltd sales accounted for the accounting system of the design From the accounting system design,perfected internal control system design both concrete design and fashion fall to provide information and accounting practices.
Keywords Sales Accounting Design
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