xxx分公司运输成本控制模式选择与论证及其成本核算毕业设计 合格作品.doc


xxx分公司运输成本控制模式选择与论证及其成本核算毕业设计 合格作品,摘要随着市场经济的深入,航空公司间的竞争进一步加剧,依靠高票价获取高额利润的机会越来越少,特别是我国对外开放第三、四、五航权后,国外航空公司进入国内市场参与竞争,加上一些“低成本”航空公司的成立,国内航空市场发生了深刻的变革,航空公司面临“低票价、高质量、方便快捷”的市场要求。企业要想在这种激烈的竞争环境中立于不败之地...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要

【关键词】 运输成本 运输成本模式 运输成本核算 内部控制

With the deepening of the market economy, the competition between airlines further intensifies, rely on high ticket prices up profits have fewer opportunities, especially after China’s opening up 3,4,5 in the air right after the foreign airlines into the domestic market to participate in competition, plus some “low cost” aviation establishment of the company, domestic air market changed, airlines face “low fares, high quality, convenient and quick” market requirements. Enterprise want to the competitive environment in an invincible position, we must dig their own competitive advantage. And for a mature industry, cost is the core competitiveness of the enterprise. Therefore, the discretion of the transportation cost airlines will be crucial to the success of competition, also become the airline of the strength of the mark of strength.
The design of the branch of Inner Mongolia by Air China transportation cost accounting pattern choice transportation cost accounting of the specific subjects accounting vouchers account books accounting treatment cost specific content such as design of internal control, and standardized enterprise transportation cost. Effectively reduce transportation cost, more cost effective internal control and improve the ability to resist risks and enterprise profitability and realize the sustainable development of the enterprise.

Key words transportation cost transportation cost mode transportation cost
accounting internal control

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 xxxx分公司概况 1
1.1 自然概况 1
1.2 经营概况 1
第2章 xxxx分公司运输成本控制模式选择与论证 3
2.1 成本控制模式分类 3
2.1.1 传统成本控制模式 3
2.1.2 现代成本控制模式 4
2.2 xxxx分公司运输成本模式的选择与论证 6
第3章 xxxx分公司运输成本核算设计 8
3.1 运输成本核算会计科目设计 8
3.2 运输成本核算会计凭证设计 10
3.2.1原始凭证的设计 10
3.2.2记账凭证的设计 13
3.3 运输成本核算会计账簿设计 14
3.3.1总账设计 15
3.3.2明细账设计 15
3.4 运输成本核算的账务处理设计 16
3.4.1直接运输成本的账务设计 16
3.4.2 间接运输成本的账务设计 18
第4章 xxxx分公司运输成本内部控制制度设计 21
4.1 运输成本预算控制体系设计 22
4.2 执行控制设计 23
4.3 内部审计控制设计 25
4.4 信息反馈系统设计 25

结束语 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29
