xx发展存货内部控制设计及风险管理毕业设计 合格作品.doc
xx发展存货内部控制设计及风险管理毕业设计 合格作品,摘要随着世界经济的急速发展,企业与外界环境联系的加强,使原有内部控制制度的局限性日益明显,促使人们将目光聚焦在风险管理上。同时对风险管理强调不够,导致知名大企业的丑闻连续暴光,也给内部控制理论界和实务界带来了巨大的压力,风险管理成为了人们日益关注的焦点,也作为企业战略管理中的核心登上了公司治理的舞台。对此,本文采用业务...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
【关键词】内部控制 风险 风险管理 存货
With the rapid development of the world’s economy, and with the streng thening relationship between corporations and external environment, the limitation of the original internal control system has becoming increasingly apparent, urging people to focus their attention on risk management. At the same time, inadequate stress on risk management has led to the continuous revealments of some big names’ scandals, placing the theoretical and practical field of internal control under great pressure .Risk management, as the core of corporate strategy, has appeared on the stage of corporation management. Auordingly, this paper design the inventory internal control under the guidance of corporation risks in the manners of transaction precedures .
The design can be decided into four parts. Firstly, the corporation’s basic information. Secondly, introducing the acknowledge and choice of corporation risks. Thirdly, aiming the design at inventory internal control. Fourthly, aiming the design at risks management. Thus, enabling the inventory internal control under the guidance of corporation risk to adjust to the company’s comprehensive develop ment, assist the perfection of internal management and motivate future growth.
Keywords internal control risk risk management inventory
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 企业概况 1
1.1xx发展自然概况 1
1.2xx发展经营概况 1
1.3xx发展组织机构设置 4
第2章 企业风险导向下存货内部控制认识及选择 6
2.1企业风险导向下存货内部控制的认识 6
2.1.1存货内部控制内涵 6
2.1.2存货内部控制风险分析 6
2.2企业风险导向下存货内部控制的选择 8
2.2.1企业存货内部控制定义 8
2.2.2企业存货内部控制特色 9
2.2.3企业风险管理特色 11
第3章 xx发展存货内部控制设计 14
3.1内部控制设计 14
3.2存货的内部控制系统设计 15
3.2.1存货内部控制目标设计 15
3.2.2存货内部控制活动设计 16
3.2.3存货内部控制内容的设计 16
第4章 xx发展风险管理设计 23
4.1存货业务流程设计 23
4.1.1存货内部控制的目标设计 23
4.1.2存货业务一般流程设计 23
4.1.3存货业务流程的参与者设计 24
4.2存货业务流程中的风险管理设计 24
4.2.1材料采购控制设计 24
4.2.2存货运输和验收入库控制设计 27
4.2.3存货保管和盘点控制设计 29
4.2.4存货处置控制设计 30
4.2.5存货的发出控制设计 32
4.3存货会计记录中的风险管理设计 33
结束语 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
【关键词】内部控制 风险 风险管理 存货
With the rapid development of the world’s economy, and with the streng thening relationship between corporations and external environment, the limitation of the original internal control system has becoming increasingly apparent, urging people to focus their attention on risk management. At the same time, inadequate stress on risk management has led to the continuous revealments of some big names’ scandals, placing the theoretical and practical field of internal control under great pressure .Risk management, as the core of corporate strategy, has appeared on the stage of corporation management. Auordingly, this paper design the inventory internal control under the guidance of corporation risks in the manners of transaction precedures .
The design can be decided into four parts. Firstly, the corporation’s basic information. Secondly, introducing the acknowledge and choice of corporation risks. Thirdly, aiming the design at inventory internal control. Fourthly, aiming the design at risks management. Thus, enabling the inventory internal control under the guidance of corporation risk to adjust to the company’s comprehensive develop ment, assist the perfection of internal management and motivate future growth.
Keywords internal control risk risk management inventory
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 企业概况 1
1.1xx发展自然概况 1
1.2xx发展经营概况 1
1.3xx发展组织机构设置 4
第2章 企业风险导向下存货内部控制认识及选择 6
2.1企业风险导向下存货内部控制的认识 6
2.1.1存货内部控制内涵 6
2.1.2存货内部控制风险分析 6
2.2企业风险导向下存货内部控制的选择 8
2.2.1企业存货内部控制定义 8
2.2.2企业存货内部控制特色 9
2.2.3企业风险管理特色 11
第3章 xx发展存货内部控制设计 14
3.1内部控制设计 14
3.2存货的内部控制系统设计 15
3.2.1存货内部控制目标设计 15
3.2.2存货内部控制活动设计 16
3.2.3存货内部控制内容的设计 16
第4章 xx发展风险管理设计 23
4.1存货业务流程设计 23
4.1.1存货内部控制的目标设计 23
4.1.2存货业务一般流程设计 23
4.1.3存货业务流程的参与者设计 24
4.2存货业务流程中的风险管理设计 24
4.2.1材料采购控制设计 24
4.2.2存货运输和验收入库控制设计 27
4.2.3存货保管和盘点控制设计 29
4.2.4存货处置控制设计 30
4.2.5存货的发出控制设计 32
4.3存货会计记录中的风险管理设计 33
结束语 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37