xxxx公司绩效评价体系研究大摘要,字数4664个字 本人书写论文多年,上传作品都是毕业合格作品!完整的内容!格式标准!摘要企业绩效评价是指为了实现企业的战略目标,运用数理统计和运筹学原理,采用特定的指标和标准,按照一定的程序和科学的方法,对企业经营过程和经营效益和经营者业绩做出客观、公正和准确的价值判断。其意义在于完...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
xxxx公司绩效评价体系研究大摘要 字数4664个字
关键词 绩效评价 平衡计分卡 经济增加值
Enterprise performance eva luation is a means to achieve strategic goals of the enterprise, using principles of mathematical statistics and operational research, using specific indicators and benchmarks, in accordance with certain procedures and the methods of science, on enterprise business process and business benefits and value of Manager Performance objective, fair and accurate judgment. Its significance lies in the improvement of corporate governance mechanism, eva luating and adjusting their business strategies, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, and helps to prevent risk.
Shanghai changxin with steel slag company status in this article, on the construction of eva luation system for analysis and a combination of EVA and BSC performance eva luation system. Divided into four parts in total, the first part describes the background and current research State in choosing, and presented papers in method. The second part is the formulation of performance eva luation system of basic theory, describes the company's performance and enterprises ' capacity, enterprise performance and stakeholder theory. First of all, the third part describes the company's current performance eva luation method of system, second introduced the index system of company performance system, final analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of current performance system. Part IV the Shanghai changxin study on performance eva luation system of steel slag company, economic value added EVA and balanced scorecard BSC fusion, and formed EVA balanced scorecard, performance eva luation system for the company to provide reference.
Keyword performance eva luation the balanced scorecard economic value added
关键词 绩效评价 平衡计分卡 经济增加值
Enterprise performance eva luation is a means to achieve strategic goals of the enterprise, using principles of mathematical statistics and operational research, using specific indicators and benchmarks, in accordance with certain procedures and the methods of science, on enterprise business process and business benefits and value of Manager Performance objective, fair and accurate judgment. Its significance lies in the improvement of corporate governance mechanism, eva luating and adjusting their business strategies, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, and helps to prevent risk.
Shanghai changxin with steel slag company status in this article, on the construction of eva luation system for analysis and a combination of EVA and BSC performance eva luation system. Divided into four parts in total, the first part describes the background and current research State in choosing, and presented papers in method. The second part is the formulation of performance eva luation system of basic theory, describes the company's performance and enterprises ' capacity, enterprise performance and stakeholder theory. First of all, the third part describes the company's current performance eva luation method of system, second introduced the index system of company performance system, final analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of current performance system. Part IV the Shanghai changxin study on performance eva luation system of steel slag company, economic value added EVA and balanced scorecard BSC fusion, and formed EVA balanced scorecard, performance eva luation system for the company to provide reference.
Keyword performance eva luation the balanced scorecard economic value added