

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要

【关键词】 会计制度 核算 内部控制 设计
Accounting system design refers to the use of theory, the principles as a guide, according to the provisions of accounting regulations, combined with the work, all the contents, procedures and methods of accounting and oversight, as well as the heads of enterprises and accounting personnel responsibility for system planning and design work. Contains the methods and content of the accounting system design of accounting system design, and so on It is an important content of accounting, its quality directly affects the function of accounting. Accounting system designed primarily to meet the market economy, the significance of enterprise internal control and business management needs. Accounting system is designed for accounting work-setting out guidelines and norms. This binding in qitaihe City Forestry Bureau of the actual situation, with its characteristics of accounting in public institutions, for specific accounting system design. Divided into three parts. The first part describes the introduction, from the enterprise survey, enterprise production and management of natural features and enterprise organization three specific instructions. Analysis of the second part of the enterprise budgeting. First enterprise budgeting method, and then combined with analysis of actual budgeting methods in qitaihe City Forestry Bureau, and select the method of compiling a fixed budget and the regular budget as a major budgeting, zero-based budgeting method for administrative expenses budge. The third part describes the specific accounting system design, from the internal control system design of accounting system design, two expositions. Provide reference reference to accounting in qitaihe City Forestry Bureau.

Key words accounting accounting internal control design

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 企业概况 1
1.1 企业自然概述 1
1.2 企业生产经营特点 1
1.2.1 业务经营特点 1
1.2.2 组织结构特点 1
1.2.3 收入支出特点 2
1.2.4 会计核算特点 2
1.3 企业组织机构 2
第2章 企业预算编制方法分析 3
2.1 企业预算编制方法 3
2.1.1 固定预算 3
2.1.2 弹性预算 3
2.1.3 增量预算 4
2.1.4 零基预算 4
2.1.5 定期预算 5
2.1.6 滚动预算 5
2.2 企业预算编制方法分析 5
2.2.1 固定预算分析 6
2.2.2 弹性预算分析 6
2.2.3 增量预算分析 6
2.2.4 零基预算分析 7
2.2.5 定期预算分析 7
2.2.6 滚动预算分析 8
第3章 企业会计制度设计 10
3.1 企业会计核算制度设计 10
3.1.1 资产核算制度设计 10
3.1.2 负债核算制度设计 14
3.1.3 净资产核算制度设计 16
3.1.5 支出核算制度设计 22
3.2 企业内部控制制度设计 25
3.2.1 授权控制 25
3.2.2 不相容职务分离制度 25
3.2.3 会计监督制度 26
3.2.4 财产安全控制制度 26
3.2.5 会计信息控制制度 26
3.2.6 预算控制 27

结束语 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30