xx煤矿洗煤厂融资中存在的问题及解决对策毕业论文,毕业论文,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,21200字左右。介绍: 摘要随着我国经济的发展,中小企业日益成为推动我国经济增长不可或缺的重要力量。然而,有如此重要地位的中小企业在资金融通方面的比例却相当不协调。融资难己成为制约中小企业发展的重要因素。中小企业由于企业规模较小,资本的原始积累不...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 中小企业 内源融资 融资渠道
Along with our country economic development, the small and medium enterprises are increasingly becoming essential to promote China's economic growth an important force. However, the status of such an important area of SMEs in the financial intermediation ratio has been very inconsistent. Financing difficulties have become an important factor restricting the development of SMEs. SMEs as companies small and primitive accumulation of capital shortage, relatively low credit rating, also affected by the modern financial system is difficult to obtain funds from financial markets, so the issue of SME financing has an important practical significance.
This paper introduces the theory of corporate finance,then clear the coal washing factory of Chengshan a lack of endogenous financing within the financing , difficult to obtain from banks and other financial institutions financial support, direct financing channels, such as problems and causes of stenosis. And aims at the coal washing factory of Chengshan financing question to propose the corresponding solution countermeasure. In order to help the coal washing factory of Chengshan out of financial difficulties.
Keywords Small and medium enterprises Endogene financing Financing
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract I
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1本文研究的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 研究内容 4
第2章 融资理论综述 5
2.1融资的基本概念 5
2.1.1融资的含义 5
2.1.2融资方式 5
2.2中小企业融资的相关理论 8
2.2.1 信息不对称理论 8
2.2.2 关系型借贷理论 8
2.2.3 信贷配给理论 9
第3章 xxxxx煤矿洗煤厂融资中存在的问题 11
3.1企业简介 11
3.2企业融资中存在的问题 11
3.2.1 内源融资能力不足 11
3.2.2 难以从银行等金融机构获得资金支持 14
3.2.3 直接融资渠道狭窄 15
第4章 解决xxxxx煤矿洗煤厂融资问题的对策 17
4.1提高企业的内源融资能力 17
4.2加强信用建设以促进银企合作 19
4.3拓宽融资渠道 20
结 论 22
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
附 录 26
摘 要
关键词 中小企业 内源融资 融资渠道
Along with our country economic development, the small and medium enterprises are increasingly becoming essential to promote China's economic growth an important force. However, the status of such an important area of SMEs in the financial intermediation ratio has been very inconsistent. Financing difficulties have become an important factor restricting the development of SMEs. SMEs as companies small and primitive accumulation of capital shortage, relatively low credit rating, also affected by the modern financial system is difficult to obtain funds from financial markets, so the issue of SME financing has an important practical significance.
This paper introduces the theory of corporate finance,then clear the coal washing factory of Chengshan a lack of endogenous financing within the financing , difficult to obtain from banks and other financial institutions financial support, direct financing channels, such as problems and causes of stenosis. And aims at the coal washing factory of Chengshan financing question to propose the corresponding solution countermeasure. In order to help the coal washing factory of Chengshan out of financial difficulties.
Keywords Small and medium enterprises Endogene financing Financing
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract I
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1本文研究的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 研究内容 4
第2章 融资理论综述 5
2.1融资的基本概念 5
2.1.1融资的含义 5
2.1.2融资方式 5
2.2中小企业融资的相关理论 8
2.2.1 信息不对称理论 8
2.2.2 关系型借贷理论 8
2.2.3 信贷配给理论 9
第3章 xxxxx煤矿洗煤厂融资中存在的问题 11
3.1企业简介 11
3.2企业融资中存在的问题 11
3.2.1 内源融资能力不足 11
3.2.2 难以从银行等金融机构获得资金支持 14
3.2.3 直接融资渠道狭窄 15
第4章 解决xxxxx煤矿洗煤厂融资问题的对策 17
4.1提高企业的内源融资能力 17
4.2加强信用建设以促进银企合作 19
4.3拓宽融资渠道 20
结 论 22
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
附 录 26