大庆xx房地产公司财务风险管理存在的问题及解决策略毕业论文,毕业论文,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,20000字左右。摘 要近年来,受国际经济环境变化、我国宏观调控的政策以及企业自身财务风险管理水平等一系列因素的影响,财务风险已经成为许多房地产企业求生存、求发展所迫切需要解决的问题。房地产行业本身具有投资规模大、开发周期长、涉及的环节多等特点,同...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
【关键词】 房地产公司 财务风险管理 风险防范
In recent years, under the influence of the international economic environment changes, our country’s macro-control policy, enterprise’s financial risk management level and a series of factors, financial risk has become the urgent problem which needs to be settled when Real Estate enterprise are searching for survive and develop. Real Estate industry itself has the characteristic of large investment scale, long construction cycle and more related links and also under this changing external environment as well, there are more risks that Real State enterprise may experience. In order to survive and develop in this complex environment, it is necessary to strengthen Real Estate enterprise risk management.In this paper, to begin with, represent the current situation of Real Estate financial risk both at home and aboard, and throw light on the related theory of Real Estate financial risk. On the basis of the above, according to the actual situation of DaQing Hao Fang Real State development limited company, using financial analysis method analyze and study the company’s various financial indicators as well as coming up with related problems. Finally, put forward a series of impeccable precautionary measures according to the financial risk of DaQing Hao Fang Real State development limited company.
Keywords Real Estate Enterprise Financial Risk Management
Risk prevention
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1研究目的 1
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1国外研究现状 2
1.3.2国内研究现状 3
第2章 财务风险理论概况 5
2.1企业财务风险理论 5
2.1.1企业财务风险的概念 5
2.1.2企业财务风险的特征 5
2.2房地产公司财务风险 6
2.3房地产公司财务风险的产生原因 7
2.3.1法律政策环境影响 7
2.3.2利率风险影响 7
2.3.3市场供求风险影响 7
2.3.4自身经营特点影响 8
2.3.5资金结构不合理影响 8
第3章 昊方房地产财务风险管理存在问题 9
3.1大庆昊方房地产开发有限公司简介 9
3.2昊方房地产财务风险特征 9
3.3昊方房地产财务风险指标分析 10
3.3.1盈利能力分析 10
3.3.2营运能力分析 12
3.3.3偿债能力分析 13
3.3.4增长能力分析 13
3.4昊方房地产财务风险存在的问题 15
3.4.1筹资风险 15
3.4.2投资风险 16
3.4.3偿债风险 16
3.4.4资金回收风险 17
3.4.5利率变动风险 17
第4章 昊方房地产财务风险防范的对策 18
4.1建立财务风险预警体系 18
4.2树立风险意识建立风险防范措施 19
4.3优化资本结构降低筹资风险 19
4.4加强投资项目管理控制投资风险 19
4.4.1加强投资方案的可行性研究 19
4.4.2合理进行投资组合 20
4.4.3采用风险回避措施 20
4.4.4积极采取其他措施 20
4.4.5开展财务分析 20
4.5防范与控制资金回收风险 20
4.6提高企业财务管理应变能力 21
4.7建立规章制度规范财务行为 21
结束语 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
摘 要
【关键词】 房地产公司 财务风险管理 风险防范
In recent years, under the influence of the international economic environment changes, our country’s macro-control policy, enterprise’s financial risk management level and a series of factors, financial risk has become the urgent problem which needs to be settled when Real Estate enterprise are searching for survive and develop. Real Estate industry itself has the characteristic of large investment scale, long construction cycle and more related links and also under this changing external environment as well, there are more risks that Real State enterprise may experience. In order to survive and develop in this complex environment, it is necessary to strengthen Real Estate enterprise risk management.In this paper, to begin with, represent the current situation of Real Estate financial risk both at home and aboard, and throw light on the related theory of Real Estate financial risk. On the basis of the above, according to the actual situation of DaQing Hao Fang Real State development limited company, using financial analysis method analyze and study the company’s various financial indicators as well as coming up with related problems. Finally, put forward a series of impeccable precautionary measures according to the financial risk of DaQing Hao Fang Real State development limited company.
Keywords Real Estate Enterprise Financial Risk Management
Risk prevention
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1研究目的 1
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1国外研究现状 2
1.3.2国内研究现状 3
第2章 财务风险理论概况 5
2.1企业财务风险理论 5
2.1.1企业财务风险的概念 5
2.1.2企业财务风险的特征 5
2.2房地产公司财务风险 6
2.3房地产公司财务风险的产生原因 7
2.3.1法律政策环境影响 7
2.3.2利率风险影响 7
2.3.3市场供求风险影响 7
2.3.4自身经营特点影响 8
2.3.5资金结构不合理影响 8
第3章 昊方房地产财务风险管理存在问题 9
3.1大庆昊方房地产开发有限公司简介 9
3.2昊方房地产财务风险特征 9
3.3昊方房地产财务风险指标分析 10
3.3.1盈利能力分析 10
3.3.2营运能力分析 12
3.3.3偿债能力分析 13
3.3.4增长能力分析 13
3.4昊方房地产财务风险存在的问题 15
3.4.1筹资风险 15
3.4.2投资风险 16
3.4.3偿债风险 16
3.4.4资金回收风险 17
3.4.5利率变动风险 17
第4章 昊方房地产财务风险防范的对策 18
4.1建立财务风险预警体系 18
4.2树立风险意识建立风险防范措施 19
4.3优化资本结构降低筹资风险 19
4.4加强投资项目管理控制投资风险 19
4.4.1加强投资方案的可行性研究 19
4.4.2合理进行投资组合 20
4.4.3采用风险回避措施 20
4.4.4积极采取其他措施 20
4.4.5开展财务分析 20
4.5防范与控制资金回收风险 20
4.6提高企业财务管理应变能力 21
4.7建立规章制度规范财务行为 21
结束语 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25