xx啤酒公司应用杜邦分析法存在的问题及改进毕业论文,毕业论文,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,17500字左右。介绍: 摘要财务评价体系是为了切实掌握企业的财务状况,对企业进行偿债能力分析、营运能力分析和盈利能力分析从而对企业的经济效益做出更加准确的评价。然而,现代企业的工作性质和资源配置结构已经发生了变化,传统的财务评价法己经不能满足对企...
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
【关键词】 xx啤酒公司 杜邦财务分析体系 局限性 改进 业绩评价
Financial eva luation system is a method of which completely analyzing and eva luating the capacity of gained profit, payment on a debt, operation ability and development capacity to get a round view of the enterprise's financial conditions and make judgments on enterprise's financial levels. However, in today’s marketing economy, the effect of marketing mechanism makes the profit of any market body has its unsteadiness, that is the market body inevitably has to undertake some risks.
The article first introduces the Company of Chongqing Beer use the traditional DuPont financial analysis system and finds that this system has some limitations in eva luating the enterprise financial situation. So the article proposes the improved DuPont financial analysis system which is based on the traditional DuPont system and it reconstructs a framework for the DuPont system and re-establishes the management with balance sheet and income statement for Company of Chongqing Beer according to the improved program which is used to distinct business activities and financial activities. By comparing the former and the later, the result shows that the improved DuPont system is more reasonable and standard, which can help investor and manager of Chongqing Beer Company make right performance measurement.
Keywords the Company of Chongqing Beer the DuPont financial analysis system limitation improvement rationality financial situation performance measurement
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2论文研究的目的和意义 2
1.2.1论文研究的目的 2
1.2.2论文研究的意义 2
1.3研究现状 3
1.3.1国内研究现状 3
1.3.2国外研究现状 3
第2章 传统杜邦财务分析法的基本内容 4
2.1杜邦分析法核心公式分解 4
2.2剖析杜邦分析法的核心指标 5
2.2.1净资产收益率 5
2.2.2总资产收益率 6
2.2.3销售净利润率 6
2.2.4权益乘数 7
第3章 杜邦财务分析法在XX啤酒公司的应用 8
3.1公司概况 8
3.2公司的相关数据 8
3.3杜邦财务分析法对XX啤酒公司财务状况的评价 11
3.4应用杜邦分析法的优势分析 12
第4章 XX啤酒公司应用杜邦分析法存在的问题 15
4.1公司的基础盈利能力被歪曲 15
4.2公司的资产周转能力即营运能力被歪曲 15
4.3财务杠杆的实际作用被歪曲 16
第5章 改进杜邦财务分析法在XX啤酒公司的应用 17
5.1对杜邦分析法的改进 17
5.1.1改进公司管理用的资产负债表 17
5.1.2改进公司管理用的利润表 18
5.1.3改进杜邦分析体系核心公式 19
5.2改进后的杜邦分析法在XX啤酒公司中的应用 23
第6章 对比分析杜邦分析法改进前后在XX啤酒公司中的应用 27
6.1对比分析改进前后的盈利能力 28
6.2对比分析改进前后的偿债能力 28
6.3对比分析改进前后的营运能力 28
6.4对比分析改进前后的杜邦分析图 29
结束语 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
摘 要
【关键词】 xx啤酒公司 杜邦财务分析体系 局限性 改进 业绩评价
Financial eva luation system is a method of which completely analyzing and eva luating the capacity of gained profit, payment on a debt, operation ability and development capacity to get a round view of the enterprise's financial conditions and make judgments on enterprise's financial levels. However, in today’s marketing economy, the effect of marketing mechanism makes the profit of any market body has its unsteadiness, that is the market body inevitably has to undertake some risks.
The article first introduces the Company of Chongqing Beer use the traditional DuPont financial analysis system and finds that this system has some limitations in eva luating the enterprise financial situation. So the article proposes the improved DuPont financial analysis system which is based on the traditional DuPont system and it reconstructs a framework for the DuPont system and re-establishes the management with balance sheet and income statement for Company of Chongqing Beer according to the improved program which is used to distinct business activities and financial activities. By comparing the former and the later, the result shows that the improved DuPont system is more reasonable and standard, which can help investor and manager of Chongqing Beer Company make right performance measurement.
Keywords the Company of Chongqing Beer the DuPont financial analysis system limitation improvement rationality financial situation performance measurement
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2论文研究的目的和意义 2
1.2.1论文研究的目的 2
1.2.2论文研究的意义 2
1.3研究现状 3
1.3.1国内研究现状 3
1.3.2国外研究现状 3
第2章 传统杜邦财务分析法的基本内容 4
2.1杜邦分析法核心公式分解 4
2.2剖析杜邦分析法的核心指标 5
2.2.1净资产收益率 5
2.2.2总资产收益率 6
2.2.3销售净利润率 6
2.2.4权益乘数 7
第3章 杜邦财务分析法在XX啤酒公司的应用 8
3.1公司概况 8
3.2公司的相关数据 8
3.3杜邦财务分析法对XX啤酒公司财务状况的评价 11
3.4应用杜邦分析法的优势分析 12
第4章 XX啤酒公司应用杜邦分析法存在的问题 15
4.1公司的基础盈利能力被歪曲 15
4.2公司的资产周转能力即营运能力被歪曲 15
4.3财务杠杆的实际作用被歪曲 16
第5章 改进杜邦财务分析法在XX啤酒公司的应用 17
5.1对杜邦分析法的改进 17
5.1.1改进公司管理用的资产负债表 17
5.1.2改进公司管理用的利润表 18
5.1.3改进杜邦分析体系核心公式 19
5.2改进后的杜邦分析法在XX啤酒公司中的应用 23
第6章 对比分析杜邦分析法改进前后在XX啤酒公司中的应用 27
6.1对比分析改进前后的盈利能力 28
6.2对比分析改进前后的偿债能力 28
6.3对比分析改进前后的营运能力 28
6.4对比分析改进前后的杜邦分析图 29
结束语 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33