130万ta焦炭焦化厂粗苯回收工段的初步设计,合格作品 字数21606摘 要本设计为130万吨/a焦炭焦化厂粗苯回收工段的初步设计。粗苯回收工序包括终冷除萘、洗苯和蒸馏脱苯。终冷除萘的方法很多,本设计采用富油除萘和冷却水终冷工艺,此法所用的循环水量少,可以减少污水排放量。洗苯采用国内较先进的焦油洗油吸收法,洗苯后的富油采用管式炉加热富油法脱苯蒸馏。设计中完成了粗苯...

原文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
合格作品 字数21606
摘 要
关键词 洗苯 蒸馏脱苯 粗苯回收
The design for the 1.3 million t / a coke coke plant benzene Recovery Section of the preliminary design. Crude benzene recovery process including the final cooling addition to naphthalene, benzene washing and distillation from benzene. In addition to the cold end of naphthalene many ways, this design uses the oil-rich end of the cooling water except naphthalene and cooling technology, this method is less used in the cycle of water can reduce the amount of sewage discharge. Benzene washing the more advanced use of domestic tar washing oil absorption, from the removal of benzene into the lean process to the top of the tower benzene washing, spray from the top down, with the upstream end of the cold gas after the absorption of the gas in contact with the crude benzene, benzene, wash oil-rich after the heat exchanger and entered by the tube furnace, heated to 180 ~ 190 ℃ into the distillation tower from benzene. Benzene vapor by the heat into the bottom two distillation towers, the two benzene Benzene Overhead light output, bottom weight leads to benzene.
Keywords Absorption of benzene Distillation from benzene Crude benzene recovery
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 苯类产品的应用领域 1
1.2 粗苯回收的目的及意义 1
1.3 产品的质量指标 1
1.4 设计任务 2
1.5 设计地区的自然条件 2
第2章 工艺论证 3
2.1 煤气的终冷及除萘的方法及工艺选择 3
2.1.1 煤气终冷和焦油洗萘工艺 3
2.1.2 煤气终冷和机械化除萘工艺 4
2.1.3 富油洗萘和煤气终冷工艺 5
2.1.4 横管终冷洗萘工艺 5
2.2 洗苯工艺 6
2.2.1 吸附法 6
2.2.2 洗油吸收法 6
2.2.3 冷冻法 6
2.3 脱苯工艺 7
2.3.1 蒸汽法脱苯工艺 8
2.3.2 管式炉法脱苯工艺 8
第3章 粗苯回收工段工艺详述 10
3.1 工艺流程详述 10
3.1.1 富油洗萘和煤气终冷工艺 10
3.1.2 焦油洗油洗苯工艺 10
3.1.3 管式炉加热富油脱苯生产两种苯工艺 11
3.2 粗苯回收原理和影响因素 12
3.2.1 洗油吸收苯族烃的基本原理 12
3.2.2 影响苯族烃吸收的因素 12
3.3 脱苯原理和影响因素 14
3.3.1 脱苯原理 14
3.3.2 影响脱苯的因素 14
3.4 影响粗苯回收率的因素 15
第4章 主要设备的工艺计算和选型 16
4.1 终冷洗苯部分的工艺计算及设备选型 16
4.1.1 计算依据 16
4.1.2 计算过程 16
4.2洗苯塔的计算 20
4.3 蒸馏脱苯部分设备计算和选型 23
4.3.1 计算依据 23
4.3.2管式炉 24
4.3.3再生器计算 31
4.3.4 脱苯塔计算 33
4.3.5 两苯塔的计算 37
4.4 贫富油换热器的计算和选型 40
4.4.1 基础数据 40
4.4.2 热量衡算 40
4.4.3 换热器面积的确定 41
4.5 冷凝冷却器的计算 42
4.6 设备一览表 43
第5章 粗苯工段岗位定员及操作规程 45
5.1 操作岗位的确定及定员 45
5.1.1 岗位的确定 45
5.1.2 岗位定员 45
5.2 岗位操作规程 46
5.2.1 岗位操作 46
5.2.2 洗涤部分开、停工操作 46
5.2.3 蒸馏部分开、停工操作 47
5.2.4 特殊操作 47
5.2.5 不正常情况处理 48
第6章 非工艺部分 49
6.1 防火防爆和采暖通风 49
6.1.1 防火防爆 49
6.1.2 采暖通风 49
6.2 供汽和给排水 49
6.2.1 供汽 49
6.2.2 给排水 50
6.3 检化验项目 50
6.4 电力和土建 51
6.4.1 电力 51
6.4.2 土建 51
6.5 其他 51
6.5.1 安全与劳保 51
6.5.2 设备维修 51
第7章 经济评价 52
7.1 投资估算 52
7.2 成本核算 55
7.3 成本核算 57
结束语 58
致谢 59
参考文献 60
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Benzene product applications 1
1.2 The purpose and significance of crude benzene recovery 1
1.3 Product quality indicators 1
1.4 1.4 The design task 2
1.5 In natural conditions in site 2
Chapter 2 Technology Demonstration 3
2.1 The end of cold gas and in addition to the methods and process selection naphthalene 3
2.1.2 Gas cleaning and tar naphthalene final cooling process 3
2.1.1 In addition to the gas end of the cold and mechanical process of naphthalene 4
2.1.3 washed naphthalene oil-rich and gas final cooling process 5
2.1.4 Naphthalene Cross tube final cold wash process 5
2.2 Benzene washing process 6
2.2.1 wash oil absorption 6
2.2.2 Adsorption 6
2.2.3 freezing 6
2.3 The process from benzene 7
2.3.1 Process steam method from benzene 8
2.3.2 tube furnace method from benzene process 8
Chapter 3 crude benzene recovery process detailed in Section 10
3.1 Process Description 10
3.1.1 washed naphthalene oil-rich and gas final cooling process 10
3.1.2 Washing process tar benzene 10
3.1.3 Process from benzene 11
3.2 Principles of and factors influencing recovery of crude benzene 12
3.2.1 wash oil absorption of benzene hydrocarbons in the basic principles of family 12
3.2.2 Absorption of benzene hydrocarbons fact..
摘 要
关键词 洗苯 蒸馏脱苯 粗苯回收
The design for the 1.3 million t / a coke coke plant benzene Recovery Section of the preliminary design. Crude benzene recovery process including the final cooling addition to naphthalene, benzene washing and distillation from benzene. In addition to the cold end of naphthalene many ways, this design uses the oil-rich end of the cooling water except naphthalene and cooling technology, this method is less used in the cycle of water can reduce the amount of sewage discharge. Benzene washing the more advanced use of domestic tar washing oil absorption, from the removal of benzene into the lean process to the top of the tower benzene washing, spray from the top down, with the upstream end of the cold gas after the absorption of the gas in contact with the crude benzene, benzene, wash oil-rich after the heat exchanger and entered by the tube furnace, heated to 180 ~ 190 ℃ into the distillation tower from benzene. Benzene vapor by the heat into the bottom two distillation towers, the two benzene Benzene Overhead light output, bottom weight leads to benzene.
Keywords Absorption of benzene Distillation from benzene Crude benzene recovery
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 苯类产品的应用领域 1
1.2 粗苯回收的目的及意义 1
1.3 产品的质量指标 1
1.4 设计任务 2
1.5 设计地区的自然条件 2
第2章 工艺论证 3
2.1 煤气的终冷及除萘的方法及工艺选择 3
2.1.1 煤气终冷和焦油洗萘工艺 3
2.1.2 煤气终冷和机械化除萘工艺 4
2.1.3 富油洗萘和煤气终冷工艺 5
2.1.4 横管终冷洗萘工艺 5
2.2 洗苯工艺 6
2.2.1 吸附法 6
2.2.2 洗油吸收法 6
2.2.3 冷冻法 6
2.3 脱苯工艺 7
2.3.1 蒸汽法脱苯工艺 8
2.3.2 管式炉法脱苯工艺 8
第3章 粗苯回收工段工艺详述 10
3.1 工艺流程详述 10
3.1.1 富油洗萘和煤气终冷工艺 10
3.1.2 焦油洗油洗苯工艺 10
3.1.3 管式炉加热富油脱苯生产两种苯工艺 11
3.2 粗苯回收原理和影响因素 12
3.2.1 洗油吸收苯族烃的基本原理 12
3.2.2 影响苯族烃吸收的因素 12
3.3 脱苯原理和影响因素 14
3.3.1 脱苯原理 14
3.3.2 影响脱苯的因素 14
3.4 影响粗苯回收率的因素 15
第4章 主要设备的工艺计算和选型 16
4.1 终冷洗苯部分的工艺计算及设备选型 16
4.1.1 计算依据 16
4.1.2 计算过程 16
4.2洗苯塔的计算 20
4.3 蒸馏脱苯部分设备计算和选型 23
4.3.1 计算依据 23
4.3.2管式炉 24
4.3.3再生器计算 31
4.3.4 脱苯塔计算 33
4.3.5 两苯塔的计算 37
4.4 贫富油换热器的计算和选型 40
4.4.1 基础数据 40
4.4.2 热量衡算 40
4.4.3 换热器面积的确定 41
4.5 冷凝冷却器的计算 42
4.6 设备一览表 43
第5章 粗苯工段岗位定员及操作规程 45
5.1 操作岗位的确定及定员 45
5.1.1 岗位的确定 45
5.1.2 岗位定员 45
5.2 岗位操作规程 46
5.2.1 岗位操作 46
5.2.2 洗涤部分开、停工操作 46
5.2.3 蒸馏部分开、停工操作 47
5.2.4 特殊操作 47
5.2.5 不正常情况处理 48
第6章 非工艺部分 49
6.1 防火防爆和采暖通风 49
6.1.1 防火防爆 49
6.1.2 采暖通风 49
6.2 供汽和给排水 49
6.2.1 供汽 49
6.2.2 给排水 50
6.3 检化验项目 50
6.4 电力和土建 51
6.4.1 电力 51
6.4.2 土建 51
6.5 其他 51
6.5.1 安全与劳保 51
6.5.2 设备维修 51
第7章 经济评价 52
7.1 投资估算 52
7.2 成本核算 55
7.3 成本核算 57
结束语 58
致谢 59
参考文献 60
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Benzene product applications 1
1.2 The purpose and significance of crude benzene recovery 1
1.3 Product quality indicators 1
1.4 1.4 The design task 2
1.5 In natural conditions in site 2
Chapter 2 Technology Demonstration 3
2.1 The end of cold gas and in addition to the methods and process selection naphthalene 3
2.1.2 Gas cleaning and tar naphthalene final cooling process 3
2.1.1 In addition to the gas end of the cold and mechanical process of naphthalene 4
2.1.3 washed naphthalene oil-rich and gas final cooling process 5
2.1.4 Naphthalene Cross tube final cold wash process 5
2.2 Benzene washing process 6
2.2.1 wash oil absorption 6
2.2.2 Adsorption 6
2.2.3 freezing 6
2.3 The process from benzene 7
2.3.1 Process steam method from benzene 8
2.3.2 tube furnace method from benzene process 8
Chapter 3 crude benzene recovery process detailed in Section 10
3.1 Process Description 10
3.1.1 washed naphthalene oil-rich and gas final cooling process 10
3.1.2 Washing process tar benzene 10
3.1.3 Process from benzene 11
3.2 Principles of and factors influencing recovery of crude benzene 12
3.2.1 wash oil absorption of benzene hydrocarbons in the basic principles of family 12
3.2.2 Absorption of benzene hydrocarbons fact..