xx开发区支行消费信贷风险防范制度毕业设计,毕业设计,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,25000字左右。介绍: 摘要随着中国加入wto后外资银行的进入,国内商业银行面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。特别是2006年我国金融市场全部开放后,我国商业银行面临着更为严峻的竞争环境和生存压力。消费信贷是西方发达国家商业银行一项较为成熟的业务。政府...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
随着中国加入WTO后外资银行的进入,国内商业银行面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。特别是2006年我国金融市场全部开放后,我国商业银行面临着更为严峻的竞争环境和生存压力。消费信贷是西方发达国家商业银行一项较为成熟的业务。政府的大力支持、健全的法律体系、完备的信用体系等,有力地支持了该业 务的发展。同时,各家商业银行普遍应用“个人信用风险评分模型”和“消费信贷电脑审批系统”,强调风险审核与风险组合控制,以风险最优化为管理目标,实现消费信贷的精细化管理,有针对哈尔滨开发区支行消费信贷风险防范做出设计,这些风险管理措施有效地促进了其消费信贷业务的健康发展。
关键词 消费信贷 控制制度 风险防范
After China's accession to WTO as the entry of foreign banks, domestic commercial banks face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. In particular, all of China's financial market in 2006 after the opening of China's commercial banks face more severe competition and survival pressures. Consumer credit, commercial banks in the Western developed countries, a more mature business. Strong government support, a sound legal system, complete credit system and so on, effectively supported the development of the business. At the same time, various commercial banks have generally applied "your credit risk scoring model" and "consumer credit computer processing system", stressed the combination of risk control and risk review to optimize the risk management objectives, achieving the precise management of consumer credit, targeted Harbin Development Zone Branch of consumer credit risk prevention to make the design, these risk management measures effective in promoting the health of its consumer credit business development.
In recent years, China's commercial banks, consumer credit was a significant development in consumer credit, commercial banks have made a lot of money in operating income, consumer credit has become China's various commercial banks competing to grab one of the credit business, but, with the consumer credit with commercial banks expanded scale, of its own business risk increases. In this paper, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China consumer credit situation, Harbin Development Zone, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for consumer credit risk of these problems, combined with Harbin Industrial and Commercial Bank of China consumer credit history and current situation, drawing on the advanced experience of foreign commercial banks on how to solve the existing problems and how to control and prevent the risk of consumer credit and make some suggestions and the concrete design. To achieve the identification of preventing and eliminating the effect of consumer credit risk.
Key words Consumer credit Control system Risk
摘要 I
AbstmCt II
目录 III
Directory V
第1章 银行概况 1
1.1自然概况 1
1.2经营概况 1
1.2.1.个人住房信贷业务的运作程序 2
1.2.2.个人综合消费贷款运作程序 4
第2章 消费信贷发展历程及现状 5
2.1消费信贷的内涵及特点 5
2.2消费信贷对哈尔滨工商银行金融机构的作用 6
2.3我国商业银行消费信贷发展历程 8
2.4 工商银行哈尔滨开发区支行现状现状 10
第3章 工商银行哈尔滨开发区支行消费信贷风险防范制度设计 13
3.1消费信贷风险度量设计原则 13
3.2消费信贷风险评估设计 15
3.2.1个人信用评分指标的选取原则 15
3.2.2目前哈尔滨开发区商业银行信贷风险控制中存在的问题 16
3.2.3构建完善科学有效的哈尔滨开发区商业银行信贷风险评估预警分析设计 17
3.3消费信贷风险防范设计 18
3.3.1逐步建立全社会范围的个人信用制度 18
3.3.2风险的事前管理 18
3.3.3 贷款人应加强对自身业务经营的监督与管理 19
3.3.4 建立银行内部消费信贷的风险管理体系 22
第4章 工商银行哈尔滨开发区支行信贷业务控制制度设计 23
4.1基础管理控制制度设计 23
4.2风险控制制度设计 25
4.3信贷业务流程控制制度设计 26
结束语 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
随着中国加入WTO后外资银行的进入,国内商业银行面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。特别是2006年我国金融市场全部开放后,我国商业银行面临着更为严峻的竞争环境和生存压力。消费信贷是西方发达国家商业银行一项较为成熟的业务。政府的大力支持、健全的法律体系、完备的信用体系等,有力地支持了该业 务的发展。同时,各家商业银行普遍应用“个人信用风险评分模型”和“消费信贷电脑审批系统”,强调风险审核与风险组合控制,以风险最优化为管理目标,实现消费信贷的精细化管理,有针对哈尔滨开发区支行消费信贷风险防范做出设计,这些风险管理措施有效地促进了其消费信贷业务的健康发展。
关键词 消费信贷 控制制度 风险防范
After China's accession to WTO as the entry of foreign banks, domestic commercial banks face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. In particular, all of China's financial market in 2006 after the opening of China's commercial banks face more severe competition and survival pressures. Consumer credit, commercial banks in the Western developed countries, a more mature business. Strong government support, a sound legal system, complete credit system and so on, effectively supported the development of the business. At the same time, various commercial banks have generally applied "your credit risk scoring model" and "consumer credit computer processing system", stressed the combination of risk control and risk review to optimize the risk management objectives, achieving the precise management of consumer credit, targeted Harbin Development Zone Branch of consumer credit risk prevention to make the design, these risk management measures effective in promoting the health of its consumer credit business development.
In recent years, China's commercial banks, consumer credit was a significant development in consumer credit, commercial banks have made a lot of money in operating income, consumer credit has become China's various commercial banks competing to grab one of the credit business, but, with the consumer credit with commercial banks expanded scale, of its own business risk increases. In this paper, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China consumer credit situation, Harbin Development Zone, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for consumer credit risk of these problems, combined with Harbin Industrial and Commercial Bank of China consumer credit history and current situation, drawing on the advanced experience of foreign commercial banks on how to solve the existing problems and how to control and prevent the risk of consumer credit and make some suggestions and the concrete design. To achieve the identification of preventing and eliminating the effect of consumer credit risk.
Key words Consumer credit Control system Risk
摘要 I
AbstmCt II
目录 III
Directory V
第1章 银行概况 1
1.1自然概况 1
1.2经营概况 1
1.2.1.个人住房信贷业务的运作程序 2
1.2.2.个人综合消费贷款运作程序 4
第2章 消费信贷发展历程及现状 5
2.1消费信贷的内涵及特点 5
2.2消费信贷对哈尔滨工商银行金融机构的作用 6
2.3我国商业银行消费信贷发展历程 8
2.4 工商银行哈尔滨开发区支行现状现状 10
第3章 工商银行哈尔滨开发区支行消费信贷风险防范制度设计 13
3.1消费信贷风险度量设计原则 13
3.2消费信贷风险评估设计 15
3.2.1个人信用评分指标的选取原则 15
3.2.2目前哈尔滨开发区商业银行信贷风险控制中存在的问题 16
3.2.3构建完善科学有效的哈尔滨开发区商业银行信贷风险评估预警分析设计 17
3.3消费信贷风险防范设计 18
3.3.1逐步建立全社会范围的个人信用制度 18
3.3.2风险的事前管理 18
3.3.3 贷款人应加强对自身业务经营的监督与管理 19
3.3.4 建立银行内部消费信贷的风险管理体系 22
第4章 工商银行哈尔滨开发区支行信贷业务控制制度设计 23
4.1基础管理控制制度设计 23
4.2风险控制制度设计 25
4.3信贷业务流程控制制度设计 26
结束语 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
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