

哈尔滨xx房地产开发公司纳税筹划毕业设计,毕业设计,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,21100字左右。介绍: 摘要面对日趋发展完善的市场经济和竞争激烈的外部环境,如何合理设计纳税筹划方案以降低成本、增加利润、实现价值最大化,对房地产企业来说是一个迫切而又十分重要的新课题。在激烈的竞争中取得优势的方法有多种多样,其中之一就是创造成本...
分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要


【关键词】 房地产 分析 纳税筹划

With the developing marker economy and the competitive external environment, it has become a very exigent and important issue for the real estate company, as well as other companies, to lower cost, to increase profit and to maximize value by tax planning. One of the ways to get advantage in the competition is to make the cost advantage and to maximize the fortune. The tax burden will affect the cost of the real estate companies. Making tax accounting and tax planning properly is a key financial management for an enterprise. Tax planning is not equal to tax evasion and tax avoidance. Although tax avoidance is a legal act, it violates the orientation of national policy and the original intention for legislation. Once the relevant laws and regulations are supplemented and improved, the original legal acts will become illegal. Therefore, a reasonable tax planning can bring economic benefits to an enterprise.
This paper focuses on the analysis of financial statement of Harbin Bincai Real Estate Development Company under current Accounting System for Business Enterprises and Tax Law in order to find the company’s problems in financial management and to reveal the positive connection between these problems and its overall heavier tax burden. Then according to this company’s actual operation, along with every basic regulation and preferential policy of all tax categories, it gives a comprehensive tax planning for Bincai Company.

Key words reale state analysis Tax planning
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 哈尔滨xx房地产开发公司简介 1
1.1哈尔滨xx房地产开发公司发展状况 1
1.2哈尔滨xx房地产开发公司的内部环境 1
第2章 xx房地产公司整体税收分析 4
2.1整体税负分析 4
2.2重点筹划税种分析 7
2.2.1xx营业税税负分析 7
2.2.2xx土地增值税税负分析 8
2.2.3xx公司企业所得税税负分析 9
第3章 xx房地产公司纳税筹划设计 11
3.1 xx公司营业税的纳税筹划设计 11
3.1.1营业税基本规定 11
3.1.2利用工程承包方式变化进行纳税筹划 13
3.1.3改变收费主体进行纳税筹划 13
3.1.4精装修房屋纳税筹划 14
3.2xx公司土地增值税的纳税筹划设计 15
3.2.1土地增值税基本规定 15
3.2.2利用土地增值税临界点进行纳税筹划 15
3.3 xx公司企业所得税的纳税筹划设计 19
3.3.1企业所得税基本规定 19
3.3.2会计核算方法选择的纳税筹划 19
3.3.3开发成本的归集中的纳税筹划 21
3.4xx公司其他税种的纳税筹划设计 22
3.4.1xx公司房产税的纳税筹划 22
3.4.2 xx公司城市维护建设税及教育费附加的纳税筹划 23
结束语 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26