

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布


关键字 成本核算 作业成本 分析 设计
With the major changes of our society demand, the rapid development and application of high technology and domestic and international competitive environment changes, especially after China has access to the WTO, Chinese enterprises are facing enormous challenges from economic globalization, the existing obsolete even behind the cost management system has become increasingly unsuited to the modern market competition. Current business with those who still use traditional cost accounting system and this system has been planned for a few decades under the non-competitive environment, when the business situation and the present and the future are very different. Therefore, the operating cost method as an advanced to a more objective, accurate calculation of the cost of product cost calculation methods, its use in our country will be an irresistible trend.
In this passage,Harbin Xinglong booming document cost accounting background, combined with the actual situation of the company and cost accounting and the problems existing in the activity-based costing method, with the traditional manufacturing cost method, compares and analyzes the activity-based costing method in this company, which proves the feasibility of the implementation of the theory and method of operation cost in enterprise application research has theoretical significance and practical significance.
Keywords cost accounting cost of activity analysis design

摘要 I

第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2哈尔滨XX笔业概况 1
第2章 成本核算方法的选择 2
2.1成本核算方法的种类及特点 2
2.1.1制造成本法适用性分析 2
2.1.2作业成本法适用性分析 5
2.2成本核算方法的选择 7
2.2.1xx公司成本核算存在的问题及原因分析 7
2.2.2成本核算方法的选择 8
第3章 作业成本法成本核算的制度设计 10
3.1成本核算动因的确定 10
3.1.1成本动因的分类 10
3.1.2成本动因的确定 10
3.2成本费用归集与分配制度设计 11
3.2.1费用归集制度设计 12
3.2.2成本计算周期的确定 12
3.2.3费用分配制度设计 13
3.3作业成本法成本核算制度设计 14
3.3.1进行作业分析 14
3.3.2引入ERP系统构建作业信息处理平台。 14
3.3.3进行成本归集与分配设计。 15
3.3.4设计凭证和作业成本计算表。 16
第4章 XX公司成本核算制度的具体设计 17
结束语 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27