作业成本法在x汽车集团的应用研究毕业论文 合格作品.docx
作业成本法在x汽车集团的应用研究毕业论文 合格作品,摘要随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国逐渐由工业社会向知识经济社会转化。计算机技术和自动化设备广泛的应用于企业生产经营的各环节,使得企业的制造环境发生了翻天覆地的变化。制造企业成本核算环境发生的改变,使传统的成本计算法提供的成本信息与实际脱节、越来越不能满足企业管理者需求。我国加入wto后,各个行业逐步对外开放,同样xx集团...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
【关键词】 作业成本法 作业 成本动因
Along with the rapid development of China's economy, our country gradually from the industrial society to the social transformation of knowledge economy, computer technology and automation equipment widely used in enterprise production and management, enterprise each step of the manufacturing environment has undergone earth-shaking changes. Manufacturing enterprise cost accounting environment changes, make the traditional cost calculation method and the actual cost information provided by the more disjointed, cannot satisfy the needs of enterprise managers. With China's accession to the WTO, various industry will gradually open up, same hafei group also faces the challenge of advanced foreign enterprises to enhance competitiveness, shorten the gap with foreign enterprises, we must learn foreign advanced methods to cost management--the activity-based costing method.
This paper first briefly introduced the development course of activity-based costing theory, and points out that the activity-based costing is the product of The Times and elaborates required research purposes and content. The second part of the basic principle of the activity-based costing method in detail, to the basic concept in detail. The third according to its own characteristics as enterprise group hafei activity-based costing the accounting procedures of the implementation of design. The fourth part according to the hafei itself with management the activity-based costing method in car sales and other links comments.
Key words activity-based costing activity cost driver
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究意义及研究方法 2
1.3.1研究意义 2
1.3.2研究方法 2
1.4研究现状 3
1.4.1国内现状研究 3
1.4.2 国外现状研究 3
第2章 作业成本法的相关理论 5
2.1传统成本法理论 5
2.2作业成本法理论 5
2.2.1作业成本法产生的背景 5
2.2.2 作业成本法的相关概念 5
2.3作业成本法与传统成本法的比较 9
2.3.1传统成本法与作业成本法联系 9
2.3.2传统成本法与作业成本法区别 10
第3章 作业成本法在xx汽车集团的应用 14
3.1作业成本法的实行对于xx集团的意义 14
3.2作业成本法在xx集团的具体应用程序 16
3.2.1作业链和价值链的分析 16
3.2.2作业的认定及分类 16
3.2.3成本动因的确定 18
3.2.4确定各作业成本库的分配率 19
3.2.5计算每种产品的成本 20
3.3作业成本法在xx集团实施应注意之处 21
第4章 作业成本法与xx集团成本管理的结合 22
4.1产品组合与定价 22
4.2产品设计与开发 22
4.3建立与客户的联系 23
4.4正确处理与供应商的关系 24
结束语 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
【关键词】 作业成本法 作业 成本动因
Along with the rapid development of China's economy, our country gradually from the industrial society to the social transformation of knowledge economy, computer technology and automation equipment widely used in enterprise production and management, enterprise each step of the manufacturing environment has undergone earth-shaking changes. Manufacturing enterprise cost accounting environment changes, make the traditional cost calculation method and the actual cost information provided by the more disjointed, cannot satisfy the needs of enterprise managers. With China's accession to the WTO, various industry will gradually open up, same hafei group also faces the challenge of advanced foreign enterprises to enhance competitiveness, shorten the gap with foreign enterprises, we must learn foreign advanced methods to cost management--the activity-based costing method.
This paper first briefly introduced the development course of activity-based costing theory, and points out that the activity-based costing is the product of The Times and elaborates required research purposes and content. The second part of the basic principle of the activity-based costing method in detail, to the basic concept in detail. The third according to its own characteristics as enterprise group hafei activity-based costing the accounting procedures of the implementation of design. The fourth part according to the hafei itself with management the activity-based costing method in car sales and other links comments.
Key words activity-based costing activity cost driver
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究意义及研究方法 2
1.3.1研究意义 2
1.3.2研究方法 2
1.4研究现状 3
1.4.1国内现状研究 3
1.4.2 国外现状研究 3
第2章 作业成本法的相关理论 5
2.1传统成本法理论 5
2.2作业成本法理论 5
2.2.1作业成本法产生的背景 5
2.2.2 作业成本法的相关概念 5
2.3作业成本法与传统成本法的比较 9
2.3.1传统成本法与作业成本法联系 9
2.3.2传统成本法与作业成本法区别 10
第3章 作业成本法在xx汽车集团的应用 14
3.1作业成本法的实行对于xx集团的意义 14
3.2作业成本法在xx集团的具体应用程序 16
3.2.1作业链和价值链的分析 16
3.2.2作业的认定及分类 16
3.2.3成本动因的确定 18
3.2.4确定各作业成本库的分配率 19
3.2.5计算每种产品的成本 20
3.3作业成本法在xx集团实施应注意之处 21
第4章 作业成本法与xx集团成本管理的结合 22
4.1产品组合与定价 22
4.2产品设计与开发 22
4.3建立与客户的联系 23
4.4正确处理与供应商的关系 24
结束语 26
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
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