呼伦贝尔市xx会计师事务所审计风险控制制度毕业设计,毕业设计,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,19700字左右。介绍: 摘要审计风险是会计师事务所面临的主要风险,审计客体经营的复杂性和舞弊行为、注册会计师的独立性和专业胜任能力以及会计师事务所的内部治理和质量控制都是审计风险的重要影响因素。可以说有审计就有审计风险,审计风险不能被消除,只能采...
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
【关键词】 审计风险 控制制度 设计
Audit risk is the main risk facing the accounting firm,The complexity of the object management audit and fraud、CPA's independence and professional competence and the accounting firm's internal governance and quality control are important factors of audit risk。May say that has the audit to have the audit risk,Audit risk can not be eliminated, but to take measures to minimize and avoid,Therefore we should understand the audit risk positively, understands the audit risk correctly, causes the audit full display surveillance, the verification, the management, the service function, We combined the accounting firm Hisense Hulunbeir the actual conduct of the audit risk model, the Hisense fact sheet accounting firms, and audit risk control system design, including the risk control system design audit objectives, audit evidence Risk control and audit working papers system design, risk assessment and risk response control system design control system design, audit sampling and testing methods selective risk control system design, risk control system design audit reports, audit-related information technology, risk control system design So as to reduce and minimize the risk of loss of the audit firm.
Keywords audit risk Control system Design
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1.1 自然概况 1
1.2 经营管理概况 1
第二章 事务所审计风险模型分析 3
2.1 审计风险的概念及基本特征 3
2.1.1 审计风险的概念 3
2.2 审计风险模型分析 6
2.2.1 传统的审计风险模型 6
2.2.2 现代风险导向审计风险模型 7
2.2.3 事务所审计风险模型分析 7
第三章 审计风险控制制度设计 10
3.1 审计目标风险控制制度设计 10
3.1.1 审计准备阶段审计风险的控制 10
3.1.2 审计实施阶段审计风险控制 11
3.1.3 审计终结阶段审计风险控制 12
3.1.4 审计风险控制其他防范措施 12
3.2 审计证据与审计工作底稿风险控制制度设计 13
3.3 风险评估控制制度设计 14
3.4风险应对控制制度设计 15
3.5 审计抽样和选择性测试方法风险控制制度设计 17
3.6 审计报告风险控制制度设计 19
3.7 与审计相关的信息技术风险控制制度设计 22
结束语 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25
摘 要
【关键词】 审计风险 控制制度 设计
Audit risk is the main risk facing the accounting firm,The complexity of the object management audit and fraud、CPA's independence and professional competence and the accounting firm's internal governance and quality control are important factors of audit risk。May say that has the audit to have the audit risk,Audit risk can not be eliminated, but to take measures to minimize and avoid,Therefore we should understand the audit risk positively, understands the audit risk correctly, causes the audit full display surveillance, the verification, the management, the service function, We combined the accounting firm Hisense Hulunbeir the actual conduct of the audit risk model, the Hisense fact sheet accounting firms, and audit risk control system design, including the risk control system design audit objectives, audit evidence Risk control and audit working papers system design, risk assessment and risk response control system design control system design, audit sampling and testing methods selective risk control system design, risk control system design audit reports, audit-related information technology, risk control system design So as to reduce and minimize the risk of loss of the audit firm.
Keywords audit risk Control system Design
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1.1 自然概况 1
1.2 经营管理概况 1
第二章 事务所审计风险模型分析 3
2.1 审计风险的概念及基本特征 3
2.1.1 审计风险的概念 3
2.2 审计风险模型分析 6
2.2.1 传统的审计风险模型 6
2.2.2 现代风险导向审计风险模型 7
2.2.3 事务所审计风险模型分析 7
第三章 审计风险控制制度设计 10
3.1 审计目标风险控制制度设计 10
3.1.1 审计准备阶段审计风险的控制 10
3.1.2 审计实施阶段审计风险控制 11
3.1.3 审计终结阶段审计风险控制 12
3.1.4 审计风险控制其他防范措施 12
3.2 审计证据与审计工作底稿风险控制制度设计 13
3.3 风险评估控制制度设计 14
3.4风险应对控制制度设计 15
3.5 审计抽样和选择性测试方法风险控制制度设计 17
3.6 审计报告风险控制制度设计 19
3.7 与审计相关的信息技术风险控制制度设计 22
结束语 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 25