xx房地产公司纳税现状存在的问题 及改进措施毕业论文.doc
xx房地产公司纳税现状存在的问题 及改进措施毕业论文,毕业论文,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,21700字左右。介绍: 摘要房地产行业是我国的支柱性行业,体现了我国经济的发展水平。伴随着房地产的快速发展,涉及房地产的相关税收政策也在不断变化,税在房地产开发公司的成本中所占的比例相当大,所以税收政策对房地产开发企业的发展影响很大,如土地增值税...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 房地产开发企业 纳税政策 纳税筹划
Real estate industry is the backbone industries in China, reflected the development of our national economy level. Along with the rapid development of real estate, involving real estate related tax policy also changed, tax on the cost of real estate development company the proportion of quite large, so the tax policy of real estate development enterprise development impact, such as land value-added tax and income tax, business tax tax cost about 48% of total profit. So do tax planning work to reduce the real estate development companies, the tax cost and improve the economic benefit of enterprise is of great significance.
This civilization summarized according to taxes for real estate development enterprise tax planning method According to the features of real estate industry, summarized respectively for business tax, enterprise income tax, land VAT applicable tax planning method is different, and the powerful argumentation examples. Based on the theory and practice in two aspects of real estate development enterprise tax planning is discussed and the taxation planning in the introduction of the concept, characteristics and procedures, through the analysis based on jin real estate development Co., LTD, tax planning, expounds the case for real estate enterprises during actual operation of tax planning that real estate development enterprise how to reduce tax by tax planning with detailed cost figures to clarify tax planning on real estate development enterprise is so important。
Key words: real estate development enterprises tax policy tax planning
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景介绍 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3 论文研究目的及意义 4
1.3.1研究目的 4
1.3.2研究意义 4
1.3.3本论文的内容及结构 5
第2章 纳税筹划的相关理论综述 6
2.1 纳税筹划的含义 6
2.2 纳税筹划的特点 7
2.3 纳税筹划的基本原则 7
2.4 纳税筹划的内容 10
2.5 房地产行业的主要涉税业务 11
2.5.1营业税 11
2.5.2土地增值税 13
2.5.3企业所得税 14
2.6 房地产公司税收筹划的主要思路 15
2.6.1对筹资的纳税筹划 15
2.6.2对收入确认的纳税筹划 15
2.6.3房地产公司经营中主要税种纳税筹划的主要思路 16
第3章 xx房地产公司纳税现状分析及所存在的问题 18
3.1 XX房地产公司及开发项目简介 18
3.2 绿荫小区项目基本情况 20
3.2.1 xx公司2009-2010年纳税情况 21
3.3 XX房产公司纳税方面存在的问题 22
3.3.1xx公司开发项目时业务筹划方式不合理 23
3.3.2成本分摊方法的选择不合理 23
3.3.3精装修房的房价过高,公司承担较大税额 23
3.3.4主要税种的筹划方法欠缺,没有合理的利用土地优惠政策 24
第4章 xx房地产公司纳税筹划方面的改进措施 25
4.1 XX公司纳税筹划方案 25
4.1.1合理安排公司的合作章程,减少纳税环节 25
4.1.2合法控制增值率,实现适用免税政策 25
4.1.3装修公司提前介入,适用低营业税税率 26
4.1.4物业公司提前介入,减少营业税应税项目 26
4.2 纳税筹划后的纳税情况 26
4.3 XX公司纳税筹划前后的对比分析 29
结束语 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
摘 要
关键词 房地产开发企业 纳税政策 纳税筹划
Real estate industry is the backbone industries in China, reflected the development of our national economy level. Along with the rapid development of real estate, involving real estate related tax policy also changed, tax on the cost of real estate development company the proportion of quite large, so the tax policy of real estate development enterprise development impact, such as land value-added tax and income tax, business tax tax cost about 48% of total profit. So do tax planning work to reduce the real estate development companies, the tax cost and improve the economic benefit of enterprise is of great significance.
This civilization summarized according to taxes for real estate development enterprise tax planning method According to the features of real estate industry, summarized respectively for business tax, enterprise income tax, land VAT applicable tax planning method is different, and the powerful argumentation examples. Based on the theory and practice in two aspects of real estate development enterprise tax planning is discussed and the taxation planning in the introduction of the concept, characteristics and procedures, through the analysis based on jin real estate development Co., LTD, tax planning, expounds the case for real estate enterprises during actual operation of tax planning that real estate development enterprise how to reduce tax by tax planning with detailed cost figures to clarify tax planning on real estate development enterprise is so important。
Key words: real estate development enterprises tax policy tax planning
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景介绍 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.1国外研究现状 2
1.2.2国内研究现状 3
1.3 论文研究目的及意义 4
1.3.1研究目的 4
1.3.2研究意义 4
1.3.3本论文的内容及结构 5
第2章 纳税筹划的相关理论综述 6
2.1 纳税筹划的含义 6
2.2 纳税筹划的特点 7
2.3 纳税筹划的基本原则 7
2.4 纳税筹划的内容 10
2.5 房地产行业的主要涉税业务 11
2.5.1营业税 11
2.5.2土地增值税 13
2.5.3企业所得税 14
2.6 房地产公司税收筹划的主要思路 15
2.6.1对筹资的纳税筹划 15
2.6.2对收入确认的纳税筹划 15
2.6.3房地产公司经营中主要税种纳税筹划的主要思路 16
第3章 xx房地产公司纳税现状分析及所存在的问题 18
3.1 XX房地产公司及开发项目简介 18
3.2 绿荫小区项目基本情况 20
3.2.1 xx公司2009-2010年纳税情况 21
3.3 XX房产公司纳税方面存在的问题 22
3.3.1xx公司开发项目时业务筹划方式不合理 23
3.3.2成本分摊方法的选择不合理 23
3.3.3精装修房的房价过高,公司承担较大税额 23
3.3.4主要税种的筹划方法欠缺,没有合理的利用土地优惠政策 24
第4章 xx房地产公司纳税筹划方面的改进措施 25
4.1 XX公司纳税筹划方案 25
4.1.1合理安排公司的合作章程,减少纳税环节 25
4.1.2合法控制增值率,实现适用免税政策 25
4.1.3装修公司提前介入,适用低营业税税率 26
4.1.4物业公司提前介入,减少营业税应税项目 26
4.2 纳税筹划后的纳税情况 26
4.3 XX公司纳税筹划前后的对比分析 29
结束语 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32