此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词 会计师事务所 审计独立性 措施
In existing audit framework, the independence will be recognized as the significant cornerstone and soul of the profession, it is a fundamental work for how to do well in audit idependence. Lack of independence is the main reason to resuit in the unture audit and decline in audit quality. Recently, unrealistic accounting records appeared in the company ,it may be due to negligence or intended fraudulence, perhaps without thoroughly consideration by the auditors or auditors have not requested for their clients to use the appropriate accounting treatments.
Through city liancheng finance by letter four months of practice accounting firm, and question the independence of the audit carried out some research. Analysis of the factors influencing auditor independence, and combination of letters, city liancheng finance business accounting firm's own characteristics, from the audit relationship, market competition, non-audit services, size of the empirical analysis, seek common ground strategy, customer selection strategies, to develop and separation of non-audit services, to improve the standard of practicing CPAs and accounting firms expand the scale of countermeasures. Thereby strengthening the firm's audit letter city liancheng financial independence and reduce audit risk to provide some ideas reference.
Keywords accounting firm audit independence measures
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1研究目的﹑意义 1
1.1.1研究目的 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2研究内容﹑方法 2
1.2.1 研究内容 2
1.2.2研究方法 2
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1国外研究现状 3
1.3.2国内研究现状 5
1.3.3国内外研究现状评述 7
第2章 审计独立性相关理论 8
2.1 审计独立性的概念 8
2.2 审计独立性的对象 9
2.3 保持审计独立性的必要性 9
2.4 影响审计独立性的因素 10
2.4.1审计关系的失衡 10
2.4.2 市场竞争的无序 11
2.4.3 与客户存在直接或间接的经济利益 12
2.4.4 同时提供审计服务和非审计服务 13
2.4.5 注册会计师的执业能力水平 14
2.4.6 会计师事务所规模 14
第3章 xx会计师事务所审计独立性分析 15
3.1 xx会计师事务所概况 15
3.1.1 xx会计师事务所的自然状况 15
3.1.2 xx会计师事务所的经营特点 15
3.2 xx会计师事务所审计独立性现状和问题 15
3.2.1 xx会计师事务所审计独立性现状 15
3.2.2 xx会计师事务所审计独立性存在的问题 16
第4章 xx会计师事务所提高审计独立性的措施 18
4.1求同存异战略 18
4.2 客户选择战略 18
4.3 大力发展并分离非审计业务 19
4.4 提升注册会计师的执业水平 20
4.5扩大会计师事务所规模 20
结 束 语 22
致 谢 23
参 考 文 献 24
摘 要
关键词 会计师事务所 审计独立性 措施
In existing audit framework, the independence will be recognized as the significant cornerstone and soul of the profession, it is a fundamental work for how to do well in audit idependence. Lack of independence is the main reason to resuit in the unture audit and decline in audit quality. Recently, unrealistic accounting records appeared in the company ,it may be due to negligence or intended fraudulence, perhaps without thoroughly consideration by the auditors or auditors have not requested for their clients to use the appropriate accounting treatments.
Through city liancheng finance by letter four months of practice accounting firm, and question the independence of the audit carried out some research. Analysis of the factors influencing auditor independence, and combination of letters, city liancheng finance business accounting firm's own characteristics, from the audit relationship, market competition, non-audit services, size of the empirical analysis, seek common ground strategy, customer selection strategies, to develop and separation of non-audit services, to improve the standard of practicing CPAs and accounting firms expand the scale of countermeasures. Thereby strengthening the firm's audit letter city liancheng financial independence and reduce audit risk to provide some ideas reference.
Keywords accounting firm audit independence measures
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1研究目的﹑意义 1
1.1.1研究目的 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2研究内容﹑方法 2
1.2.1 研究内容 2
1.2.2研究方法 2
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1国外研究现状 3
1.3.2国内研究现状 5
1.3.3国内外研究现状评述 7
第2章 审计独立性相关理论 8
2.1 审计独立性的概念 8
2.2 审计独立性的对象 9
2.3 保持审计独立性的必要性 9
2.4 影响审计独立性的因素 10
2.4.1审计关系的失衡 10
2.4.2 市场竞争的无序 11
2.4.3 与客户存在直接或间接的经济利益 12
2.4.4 同时提供审计服务和非审计服务 13
2.4.5 注册会计师的执业能力水平 14
2.4.6 会计师事务所规模 14
第3章 xx会计师事务所审计独立性分析 15
3.1 xx会计师事务所概况 15
3.1.1 xx会计师事务所的自然状况 15
3.1.2 xx会计师事务所的经营特点 15
3.2 xx会计师事务所审计独立性现状和问题 15
3.2.1 xx会计师事务所审计独立性现状 15
3.2.2 xx会计师事务所审计独立性存在的问题 16
第4章 xx会计师事务所提高审计独立性的措施 18
4.1求同存异战略 18
4.2 客户选择战略 18
4.3 大力发展并分离非审计业务 19
4.4 提升注册会计师的执业水平 20
4.5扩大会计师事务所规模 20
结 束 语 22
致 谢 23
参 考 文 献 24