

分类: 论文>经济学论文


此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布

摘 要

【关键词】 中小企业 融资困境 融资策略
The financing problem of SMEs is a world-wide problem,but also a long-term issues. Although the Government has adopted a series of financial measures to improve the financing environment for SMEs,but the issue of financing has not been resolved.The current financing environment and the hope of enterprises are still a wide gap,the rate of credit to the small and medium-sized is yet to be improved.
The paper mainly has conducted the research from three levels.The first stratification plane has carried on the analysis to the present of our country’s present situation SME financing plight .then analyzed the deep level reason thoroughly which has formed the small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult position.The second stratification plane used the comparative analysis and the historical analysis method to analyze foreign financing models for SMEs in developed countries, pointing out that the Government's financial capital in small and medium-sized the important role of financing.Then carried out a detailed feasibility demonstration for the necessity and realistic feasibility of involvement in financing small and medium-sized financial. The third stratification plane has defined the content and focus of effective fiscal and financial means of financing small and medium-sized docking ,at the same time pointed out that the financial financing and financial funding has its own corresponding with the existence of the main objectives of the development of space,only two are mutually reinforcing,effectively complement each other and would not be possible to completely replace.At the same time,the development needs of small and medium-sized government development.To build effective fiscal and financial means of financing small and medium-sized docking puts forward policy recommendations.

Keywords small and medium enterprises financing Plight financing mode

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国内研究现状 2
1.2.2 国外研究现状 3
1.3 研究目的及意义 4
1.4 研究方法 4
第2章 中小企业融资相关理论概述 6
2.1 中小企业融资界定 6
2.2 融资渠道及特点概述 6
2.2.1 融资渠道 6
2.2.2 融资特点 7
第3章 XX制衣融资现状及存在问题 10
3.1 XX制衣企业概况 10
3.2XX制衣公司融资现状 11
3.2.1 xx制衣公司财务分析 11
3.2.2 xx制衣公司融资现状 12
3.3 XX制衣融资前景黯淡 13
第4章 XX制衣融资困难的原因分析 15
4.1 XX制衣融资困难的内部原因 15
4.1.1 企业的信用不佳成为融资桎梏 15
4.1.2 企业经营管理水平尚存商榷之处 15
4.1.3 抵押物的缺少导致担保困难 16
4.2 XX制衣融资困难的外部原因 17
4.2.1 国有商业银行对xx制衣的惜贷 17
4.2.2 现有银行体系的不完善 17
4.2.3 国家扶持力度不够 18
第5章 化解XX制衣融资困难的路径 20
5.1 从自身切实提高整体素质 20
5.1.1 提升企业实力 20
5.1.2 规范企业会计制度和财务管理制度 20
5.1.3 寻找担保公司并争取担保贷款 21
5.1.4 树立良好的信用观念意识 21
5.2 金融机构的支持 22
5.3制定中小企业相关的扶持政策 23

结束语 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27