xx铜业股份有限公司企业合并财务报表编制现状及改进建议毕业论文,毕业论文,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,20100字左右。介绍: 摘要20世纪以来,随着世界范围企业集团化进程的加快,以及各方面对财务信息需求的增强,如何通过单个企业个别会计报表的科学合并,以真实、全面地反映企业集团在整体上的全貌问题,成为国际会计届深入研究探索的重要课题之一。本文以xx...

此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
【关键词】 合并财务报表 合并范围 合并理论 合并方法
Since the 20th century, with the accelerated process of worldwide enterprise groups and the increasing demand of financial information,how to reflect the whole picture of the problem through a single individual corporate financial statements really and comprehensively,become an international accounting session to explore in—depth study of the important issues.
In this paper the application of cloud copper financial statements according to questions as the main line, analyzing and solving problems, the basic ideas arranged the full text. the article is divided into four chapters, chapters are as follows: the first chapter presents the main contents of this research background, research purpose and meaning, research status, research methods and essay structure, etc.; the second chapter presents a cloud of copper group natural conditions and according to the proposed cloud copper business scope cloud copper must preparing consolidated financial statements, etc.; Chapter 3 detailed and rational analysis and based on theoretical analysis cloud the compilation of consolidated financial statements with copper copper consolidated financial statements for cloud editor process of appraisal; the fourth chapter are the specific situation in cloud copper rationalization suggestion.
Keywords onsolidated financial statement consolidation range merger theory combined methods
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的意义及方法 2
1.2.1 研究的目的和意义 2
1.2.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究现状 4
1.3.1 国外对合并报表的研究状况 4
1.3.2 国内对合并报表的研究状况 4
1.4 论文结构 6
第2章 xx铜业股份有限公司概况 7
2.1 自然概况 7
2.2 经营概况 7
第3章 xx铜业合并报表编制现状分析及评价 9
3.1 现行合并财务报表编制流程 9
3.2 xx铜集团合并财务报表的编制现状合理性分析 9
3.3 xx铜合并报表合并范围合理性分析 11
3.4 xx铜合并报表合并方法合理性分析 13
3.4.1 xx铜合并报表编制方法 13
3.4.2 合并报表编制方法评价 15
3.5 xx铜合并报表信息披露与表达合理性分析 15
3.6 xx铜集团合并财务报表编制过程评价 17
3.6.1 xx铜合并财务报表的信息质量评价 17
3.6.2 xx铜合并财务报表存在的局限性 18
第4章 xx铜股份合并报表编制过程改进建议 19
4.1 关于xx铜合并报表编制问题的建议 19
4.1.1 加快合并报表相关规章建设与完善 19
4.1.2 制定会计基础工作规范 19
4.1.3 组织定期的业务培训 19
4.1.4 制定相关的内部控制措施 19
4.1.5 组织专人定期检查 20
4.2 规范xx铜合并财务报表范围 20
4.3 xx铜报表信息披露的改进建议 21
4.4 其他相关建议 21
结束语 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
摘 要
【关键词】 合并财务报表 合并范围 合并理论 合并方法
Since the 20th century, with the accelerated process of worldwide enterprise groups and the increasing demand of financial information,how to reflect the whole picture of the problem through a single individual corporate financial statements really and comprehensively,become an international accounting session to explore in—depth study of the important issues.
In this paper the application of cloud copper financial statements according to questions as the main line, analyzing and solving problems, the basic ideas arranged the full text. the article is divided into four chapters, chapters are as follows: the first chapter presents the main contents of this research background, research purpose and meaning, research status, research methods and essay structure, etc.; the second chapter presents a cloud of copper group natural conditions and according to the proposed cloud copper business scope cloud copper must preparing consolidated financial statements, etc.; Chapter 3 detailed and rational analysis and based on theoretical analysis cloud the compilation of consolidated financial statements with copper copper consolidated financial statements for cloud editor process of appraisal; the fourth chapter are the specific situation in cloud copper rationalization suggestion.
Keywords onsolidated financial statement consolidation range merger theory combined methods
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的意义及方法 2
1.2.1 研究的目的和意义 2
1.2.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究现状 4
1.3.1 国外对合并报表的研究状况 4
1.3.2 国内对合并报表的研究状况 4
1.4 论文结构 6
第2章 xx铜业股份有限公司概况 7
2.1 自然概况 7
2.2 经营概况 7
第3章 xx铜业合并报表编制现状分析及评价 9
3.1 现行合并财务报表编制流程 9
3.2 xx铜集团合并财务报表的编制现状合理性分析 9
3.3 xx铜合并报表合并范围合理性分析 11
3.4 xx铜合并报表合并方法合理性分析 13
3.4.1 xx铜合并报表编制方法 13
3.4.2 合并报表编制方法评价 15
3.5 xx铜合并报表信息披露与表达合理性分析 15
3.6 xx铜集团合并财务报表编制过程评价 17
3.6.1 xx铜合并财务报表的信息质量评价 17
3.6.2 xx铜合并财务报表存在的局限性 18
第4章 xx铜股份合并报表编制过程改进建议 19
4.1 关于xx铜合并报表编制问题的建议 19
4.1.1 加快合并报表相关规章建设与完善 19
4.1.2 制定会计基础工作规范 19
4.1.3 组织定期的业务培训 19
4.1.4 制定相关的内部控制措施 19
4.1.5 组织专人定期检查 20
4.2 规范xx铜合并财务报表范围 20
4.3 xx铜报表信息披露的改进建议 21
4.4 其他相关建议 21
结束语 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25