中国农业银行长春xx支行保险代理业务发展分析毕业论文,毕业论文,本人书写论文多年,上传作品为毕业合格作品,完整内容。格式标准,24100字左右。介绍: 摘 要银行保险代理业务是银行受保险公司委托通过自己的销售渠道向客户提供保险产品及服务,并获得代理手续费收入的一种兼业代理业务,是银行中间业务的重要组成部分。在农行面向“三农”的市场定位下,在金融同业竞争加剧的大环境下,农...
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
本文首先介绍研究的背景和意义,银行保险的相关理论,然后再根据 “三农”背景下中国农业银行长春xx支行县域分理处基层的保险代理业务发展情况找出目前业务发展遇到的问题,最后提出在“三农”市场的定位下,长春xx支行保险代理业务的策略。
Bank insurance is the product of the mixed operation under the circumstance of financial integration.It is also a form of offering the bank and insurance products and services to the same target customers through a shared selling channel.eva luating Agriculture Bank of China to the market of “agriculture,countryside and farmers”,in the environment of exacerbated competition between banking trade,the grassroots branches in the counties are confronted with breaking traditional form of profits and developing the intermediary service rapidly, especially the authorized insurance business,and also elevating the core competitiveness.There lies the realistic meaning of developing Chinese banking insurance and it also reflects the strategic choice to accelerate reform development of the Agriculture Bank of China.
This paper introduces the background and significance of the study, the related theory of bank assurance, then according to the " agriculture,countryside and farmers " under the background of Agricultural Bank of China, Changchun Kuancheng sub-branch of a branch of the grass-roots county insurance representative business development present situation out of business development, and finally puts forward the problems encountered in the " agriculture,countryside and farmers " market positioning, Changchun Kuancheng sub-branches insurance representative business strategy.
Key words:Bank insurance bancassurance, Facing Agriculture' Countryside and farmers, County organization, The initial exploration of the tactics
目 录
摘 要 1
目 录 3
Content 5
第1章 绪论 7
1.1 研究背景 7
1.2 国内外的研究现状 8
1.2.1 国外的研究现状 8
1.2.2 国内的研究现状 8
1.3 研究思路和方法 9
1.3.1 研究思路 9
1.3.2 研究方法 9
第2章 相关理论概述 10
2.1银行代理保险业务 10
2.1.1 银行保险的定义 10
2.1.2 银行保险的起源 11
2.2银行保险的特点 12
2.3银行保险业务合作形式 12
2.4银行保险产品的分类 13
第3章 xx支行保险代理业务问题分析 13
3.1中国农行长春xx简介 13
3.2长春xx支行县级分理处主体业务发展现状 14
3.2.1 主体业务 14
3.2.2 盈利模式 15
3.2.3 员工素质考核 16
3.2.4 业务发展模式 17
3.3中国农行长春xx支行业务发展中存在的问题 17
3.3.1主营业务与代理业务的问题 17
3.3.2简单代理保险和经营代理保险认识上的问题 18
3.3.3 眼前利益与长远利益的问题 18
3.3.4中间业务收入与主营业务收入相差悬殊的问题 19
3.4 xx支行大力发展保险代理业务的必要性 19
第4章 “三农”定位下发展中国农行长春xx支行保险代理业务的策略 21
4.1建立“三农”保险风险责任制度 21
4.2开发各类新型财产险产品 23
4.3培育和建立农行适应服务“三农”的企业文化 23
4.4创新银保合作运营模式 24
4.4.1 深入基层开展业务 24
4.4.2 多元化的运营模式 26
结束语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
摘 要
本文首先介绍研究的背景和意义,银行保险的相关理论,然后再根据 “三农”背景下中国农业银行长春xx支行县域分理处基层的保险代理业务发展情况找出目前业务发展遇到的问题,最后提出在“三农”市场的定位下,长春xx支行保险代理业务的策略。
Bank insurance is the product of the mixed operation under the circumstance of financial integration.It is also a form of offering the bank and insurance products and services to the same target customers through a shared selling channel.eva luating Agriculture Bank of China to the market of “agriculture,countryside and farmers”,in the environment of exacerbated competition between banking trade,the grassroots branches in the counties are confronted with breaking traditional form of profits and developing the intermediary service rapidly, especially the authorized insurance business,and also elevating the core competitiveness.There lies the realistic meaning of developing Chinese banking insurance and it also reflects the strategic choice to accelerate reform development of the Agriculture Bank of China.
This paper introduces the background and significance of the study, the related theory of bank assurance, then according to the " agriculture,countryside and farmers " under the background of Agricultural Bank of China, Changchun Kuancheng sub-branch of a branch of the grass-roots county insurance representative business development present situation out of business development, and finally puts forward the problems encountered in the " agriculture,countryside and farmers " market positioning, Changchun Kuancheng sub-branches insurance representative business strategy.
Key words:Bank insurance bancassurance, Facing Agriculture' Countryside and farmers, County organization, The initial exploration of the tactics
目 录
摘 要 1
目 录 3
Content 5
第1章 绪论 7
1.1 研究背景 7
1.2 国内外的研究现状 8
1.2.1 国外的研究现状 8
1.2.2 国内的研究现状 8
1.3 研究思路和方法 9
1.3.1 研究思路 9
1.3.2 研究方法 9
第2章 相关理论概述 10
2.1银行代理保险业务 10
2.1.1 银行保险的定义 10
2.1.2 银行保险的起源 11
2.2银行保险的特点 12
2.3银行保险业务合作形式 12
2.4银行保险产品的分类 13
第3章 xx支行保险代理业务问题分析 13
3.1中国农行长春xx简介 13
3.2长春xx支行县级分理处主体业务发展现状 14
3.2.1 主体业务 14
3.2.2 盈利模式 15
3.2.3 员工素质考核 16
3.2.4 业务发展模式 17
3.3中国农行长春xx支行业务发展中存在的问题 17
3.3.1主营业务与代理业务的问题 17
3.3.2简单代理保险和经营代理保险认识上的问题 18
3.3.3 眼前利益与长远利益的问题 18
3.3.4中间业务收入与主营业务收入相差悬殊的问题 19
3.4 xx支行大力发展保险代理业务的必要性 19
第4章 “三农”定位下发展中国农行长春xx支行保险代理业务的策略 21
4.1建立“三农”保险风险责任制度 21
4.2开发各类新型财产险产品 23
4.3培育和建立农行适应服务“三农”的企业文化 23
4.4创新银保合作运营模式 24
4.4.1 深入基层开展业务 24
4.4.2 多元化的运营模式 26
结束语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30