
xx水文实验站土壤湿的时间尺分析与模拟,2万字 60页 完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用摘要土壤湿度在垂向空间和时间上具有很高的变异性,而土壤湿度的变化会使得地表蒸发量、地表反射率、土壤热容量等发生改变,进而改变地表对大气的能量输送,最终影响气候。深入分析土壤湿度的变化,对于研究某地区的土壤性质和短期的气候情况都...

此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
2万字 60页 完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用
2万字 60页 完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用
The highly vertical spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture leads to the further study of soil moisture. The variable feature of soil moisture can affect the surface evaporation, surface reflectance, soil heat capacity etc. and then the energy delivery of surface to the atmosphere and finally the climate. Deep and systematic analysis on changes of the soil moisture is helpful for the study of soil properties and the short-term climate situation. Firstly, using the observed soil moisture, daily average temperature, precipitation, evaporation, groundwater depth data of Wudaogou experiment station from 1997 to 2005.Based on these studies, we then analysis the temporal and spatial variation and the correlation of soil moisture and the relationship with meteorological elements. Finally, we study the timescale to find the relationship between precipitation and temperature and soil moisture. Main results are as follows:
(1)Due to the differences between the annual year’s climate, the environment, the soil moisture of the study area varies with year and depth. Soil moisture change is mostly affected by the upper and lower boundaries, such as temperature, precipitation and groundwater depth. Soil moisture has two significant dry period and wet period in a year. From the surface to the deep, the soil moisture shows an increasing tendency.
(2)The soil moisture of this area has great autocorrelation, with an increasing tendency from the surface to the deep. The timescale of soil moisture varied with season and soil depth. The autumn soil moisture timescale is larger than the other three seasons, about 2~3 months. The timescale of 0~10cm is larger than that in the deep.
(3) There is a significant relationship between the soil moisture, precipitation and temperature. There is significant negative correlation coefficient between the soil moisture and the prior and the simultaneously temperature, and positive correlation between the soil moisture and the temperature of half a year later. There is significant positive correlation coefficient between the soil moisture and the subsequent precipitation, and the negative correlation with the precipitation of 1~2 months later. There is also significant relationship between the soil moisture in autumn and the simultaneously precipitation and temperature. Vertically change is more complex.
(4)Use the Hydrological Model System(HMS) to simulate the soil moisture from 1997 to 2005 of 0.05, 0.15, 0.35m layer and compare the data with the observed soil moisture. The results show that in the stable moist period, the simulation results are most consistent with the observed soil moisture.
Key words: soil moisture, memory timescale, precipitation, temperature, correlation coefficient
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2国内外研究进展 2
1.2.1土壤湿度的时序特征 2
1.2.2土壤湿度的垂向空间上差异 2
1.2.4土壤湿度的记忆能力 3
1.2.5土壤湿度与气候关系 3
第二章 xx实验站概况及基本要素分析 5
2.1xx水文水资源实验站概况 5
2.2气象要素分析 7
2.2.1气温 7
2.2.2降水 8
2.2.3蒸发 10
2.2.4地下水位 10
2.3 本章小结 11
第三章 土壤湿度的时间分布特征 12
3.1 季节变化 12
3.2年际变化 16
3.3垂向分布 18
3.4本章小结 20
第四章 土壤湿度的记忆能力 21
4.1计算方法 21
4.2自相关分析 21
4.3记忆能力 25
4.4本章小结 27
第五章 土壤湿度与气温和降水的关系 28
5.1与温度关系 28
5.1.1旬尺度上的相关关系 28
5.1.2季节尺度上的相关关系 29
5.2土壤湿度与降水关系 32
5.2.1旬尺度上的相关关系 32
5.2.2季节尺度上的相关关系 33
5.3本章小结 35
第六章 土壤湿度模拟分析 36
6.1模型原理及操作 36
6.2模拟分析 38
6.3原因分析及建议 47
6.4本章小结 48
第七章 总结与展望 49
7.1总结 49
7.2展望 50
参考文献 51
致谢 52