地源热泵实验系统设计,1.39万字 33页 完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用 摘 要地源热泵是一种高效地、可再生地对室内进行加热和冷却的技术,在冬季将土壤里的热量输送至建筑物中,而在夏季将冷量传输至建筑物中。由于它能减少一次能源的消耗,减少温室气体的排放,因此地源热泵正在逐渐被人们所推广。本文主要是对热泵系统性能...
此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
1.39万字 33页 完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用
1.39万字 33页 完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用
摘 要
地源; 热泵;循环;能效指标
Ground-source or geothermal heat pumps are a highly efficient, renewable energy technology for space heating and cooling. This technology relies on the fact that, at depth, the Earth has a relatively constant temperature, warmer than the air in winter and cooler than the air in summer. A geothermal heat pump can transfer heat stored in the Earth into a building during the winter, and transfer heat out of the building during the summer. Special geologic conditions, such as hot springs, are not needed for successful application of geothermal heat pumps. Ground-source heat pumps (GSHPs) are receiving increasing interest because of their potential to reduce primary energy consumption and thus reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The technology is well established in North America and parts of Europe, but is at the demonstration stage in the UK. This article provides a detailed literature-based review of ground-source heat pump technology, concentrating on loops, ground systems, and looks more briefly at applications and costs and benefits. It concludes with the prospects for GSHP in the UK. It is concluded that, despite potential environmental problems, geothermal heat pumps pose little if any serious environmental risk when best management practices are applied during the installation, operation, and decommissioning of these systems.
Key words:
Ground-source; heat pumps; circle; energy efficiency index
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1热泵 1
1.1.1热泵的发展背景 1
1.1.2发展历史及趋势 2
1.2地源热泵的研究现状 3
1.3 地源热泵的特点 5
1.3.1 地源热泵的优点 5
1.3.2 地源热泵的劣势 6
1.4 小结 6
1.5本文的主要研究内容 6
第二章 地源热泵的工作原理及分类 7
2.1 地源热泵工作原理 7
2.2 地源热泵分类 8
第三章 实验设计 9
3.1实验目的及所需相关数据 9
3.1.1实验目的 9
3.1.2实验所需的相关数据 10
3.2实验设备的选型 10
3.2.1压缩机 10
3.2.2冷凝器蒸发器 12
3.2.3 电子膨胀阀 13
3.2.4四通阀 13
3.2.5热泵系统图 14
3.2.6整个系统二维图 14
3.2.7实物图展示 15
3.3实验操作及数据得出 16
第四章 总 结 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
第一章 绪论
伴随着社会经济的发展以及人民生活水平的提高,人们对生活,工作,娱乐的场所需求的舒适性要求日益增长,这大大促使了空调和暖气的广泛应用。舒适性的要求就必须消耗能源来提供,这大大提高了社会的能耗。目前世界的能源结构主要依靠矿物燃料,特别是石油和煤炭,所以大量的能耗意味着世界环境正在恶化。因此舒适性能耗对有着十分重要的意义,作为舒适性能耗最主要部分的热水器系统的能耗降低将十分有利于达到节能目标。热泵技术就是一种可以有效节省能耗,减少大气污染和CO2排放的新技术。根据国际能源署估算,热泵技术可以减少全球 8%的二氧化碳排放,欧盟、澳大利亚等地区和国家已经将其列入可再生能源范围,并给
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