
基于pcm的三维脉动热管大功率led冷却研究,1.52万字 37页 原创论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用摘 要脉动热管是一种适用于微小空间、高热流密度散热要求的新型热管技术,在微电子器件冷却、太阳能集热和制冷空调等许多领域具有很高的潜在应用价值。脉动热管运行机理极其复杂,具有高度非线性、结构不稳定性的特征,是一种涉及...

此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
1.52万字 37页 原创论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用
1.52万字 37页 原创论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用
摘 要
关键词:三维脉动热管 LED PCM 泡沫金属 传热性能
Pulsating heat pipe is a new type of heat pipe technology used for the cooling requirements of the confined space and high heat flux conditions,which has high potential application value in the cooling of microelectronic device, solar heat, refrigeration and air conditioning and many other areas. However,the operation mechanism of pulsating heat pipe is actually quit complex,which is two-phase flow system related with several subjects with the characteristics of highly nonlinear and structural instability. The present experimental studies are mainly concentrated in the field of two dimensional pulsating heat pipe, while for three-dimensional pulsating heat pipe has not yet been reported.
In this thesis, aiming at the current status of pulsating heat pipe, to carry out the following work:
Firstly, through referring to a variety of paper to understand the current development of the pulsating heat pipe,and the impact of various factors on its heat transfer performance. To describe the principle and the occasion of pulsating heat pipe, and the progress of their studies at home and abroad.
Secondly, putting the three-dimensional pulsating heat pipe to be used in the study of high power LED about heat dissipation, and investigating the heat transfer performance of three-dimensional pulsating heat pipe in the different heating power.
Finally, the combination of the phase change materials (PCM) and foam metal is applied to three-dimensional pulsating heat pipe, and to investigate the heat transfer performance of three-dimensional pulsating heat pipe based on PCM.
Keywords: three-dimensional pulsating heat pipe,LED, PCM, foam metal, heat transfer performance
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2 简介 2
1.2.1 脉动热管简介 2
1.2.2 PCM简介 3
1.2.3泡沫金属简介 3
1.3 研究现状 5
1.4本课题的主要工作 6
第二章 实验装置及系统设计 7
2.1实验系统设计 7
2.2脉动热管组件 7
2.2.1三维脉动热管 7
2.2.2 PCM及泡沫金属 8
2.3抽真空系统 9
2.4数据采集系统 10
2.4.1热电偶 10
2.4.2数据采集器 10
2.5 计算机及处理软件 11
2.6 热管理系统 11
2.6.1加热组件 11
2.6.2散热组件 13
第三章 实验过程 14
3.1 热电偶的标定 14
3.2 基于PCM的泡沫金属的制备 15
3.3 脉动热管抽真空和充注工质 16
3.4热电偶的布置及实验装置连接 17
3.5无PCM时的三维脉动热管传热性能研究 18
3.6应用PCM时三维脉动热管传热性能研究 18
第四章 实验结果与分析 20
4.1 不同加热功率下脉动热管的传热性能 20
4.2 三维脉动热管蒸发段的温度特性 22
4.3 基于PCM的三维脉动热管传热性能分析 23
4.3.1 泡沫铜孔隙率及PCM相关计算 23
4.3.2 基于PCM的三维脉动热管传热热阻计算分析 24
4.3.3 基于PCM的三维脉动热管各部分温度变化过程 26
第五章 结论及展望 29
5.1本文工作的主要结论 29
5.2 对今后工作的展望 29
参考文献 30
致谢 33