
xx医学院框架结构图书馆设计,完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用。3.49万字 148页摘要:本毕业设计题目是江大医学院框架结构图书馆设计, 为多层钢筋混凝土框架结构。该图书馆共六层层,主体六层。层高均为3.60米,建筑物总高度为21.6米。内容包括建筑结构设计。其中建筑结构设计部分计算书的主要内容为构件尺寸的初步...

此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
3.49万字 148页
摘要:本毕业设计题目是江大医学院框架结构图书馆设计, 为多层钢筋混凝土框架结构。该图书馆共六层层,主体六层。层高均为3.60米,建筑物总高度为21.6米。
关键词 :毕业设计,图书馆,建筑设计,结构设计,框架结构。
Jiangsu University Library of Medicine frame structure design
ABSTRACT :The Graduation Project Topic Jiangsu University Library of Medicine frame structure design .The office building of four floors, the main four. All layers are 3.60 meters high, the total building height of 21.6meters.
The design includes the design of building structures. Building structure design part of the calculation of the main content of the book was initially identified component size, the calculation diagram of the frame, load lateral sway calculation framework of the internal forces in the horizontal and vertical load analysis and calculation of internal force combination of cross-sectional design and infrastructure design. Bottom scissors calculate the horizontal seismic force, Moment Distribution method used to calculate the vertical loads.
Computing, structural layout first PKPM software, check the flat data input times slab input load data, the formation of PK files, painting and structure plan; then use the PK framework for computing the spatial structure of the framework; Finally, the TAT software calculation, output frame, column reinforcement diagram and internal force calculation results
Key words :architectural design library graduate design structural design office building .