

基于imageproplus6.0的医用钛材微弧氧化膜层孔隙的检测与研究,完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用。1.94万字 47页 摘 要医用钛材的粗糙度、表面能、润湿性、生物相容性等众多表面性能与其微观特征结构密切相关,采用微弧氧化技术对医用钛材进行改性处理制备多孔微弧氧化层,用扫描电子显微镜(sem)作为图像拾...
分类: 论文>材料科学论文


此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布


1.94万字                 47页      

摘 要
医用钛材的粗糙度、表面能、润湿性、生物相容性等众多表面性能与其微观特征结构密切相关,采用微弧氧化技术对医用钛材进行改性处理制备多孔微弧氧化层,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)作为图像拾取系统,拍摄获取医用钛材微弧氧化膜层的孔隙形貌图像,利用Image-Pro Plus 6.0图像分析软件对经扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观测的医用钛材微弧氧化膜层的孔隙形貌图像进行空间尺度的校准、对比度调整、降噪滤波等处理,检测与分析不同实验条件下的微弧氧化膜层表面的微孔孔隙尺寸、平均直径、孔隙面积等特征参数,计算孔隙率,并按照孔隙大小分区进行计算并研究孔隙分布情况。
分析实验数据,得出医用钛材多孔微弧氧化层孔隙分布结构如下:根据平均直径的大小,膜层的微观孔隙可以分成大孔隙(>5μm),中孔隙(1~5μm),小孔隙(0.5~1μm),微孔隙(<0.5μm)四类;根据孔隙面积的大小,膜层的微观孔隙可以分成大孔隙(>20μm2),中孔隙(5~20μm2),小孔隙(1~5μm2),微孔隙(<1μm2)四类;医用钛材多孔微弧氧化层孔隙率随着电流密度(20A/dm2 、25 A/dm2、30 A/dm2、38 A/dm2)的增加呈现较明显上升的趋势;随着频率(500Hz、600Hz、700Hz、800Hz)的升高变化无明显趋势;随着占空比(10%、15%、20%、25%)的增加显著下降;随着微弧氧化电解液钙磷比的浓度(3:1、2.5:1、2:1、1.67:1)的下降呈现较明显上升的趋势。
关键词:医用钛材;微弧氧化;孔隙率;Image-Pro Plus 6.0

Detection and study of medical titanium micro-arc oxidation 
film porosity based on Image-Pro Plus 6.0

Abstract:The surface properties of Medical titanium such as roughness, surface energy, wettability and biocompatibility etc. are closely related to its microstructure. Modify medical titanium by micro-arc oxidation technology to prepare porous micro-arc oxidation film. Take scanning electron microscope (SEM) as an image pickup system to obtain pore morphology images of medical titanium micro-arc oxidation film. Carry out spatial scale calibration, contrast adjustment, noise filtering, etc. on the pore morphology image of medical titanium micro-arc oxidation film observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM); detect and analyze the characteristic parameters of micro-arc oxidation film, such as micro pore size, mean diameter, area of pores and so on ; calculate porosity; study the pore distribution according to the partition of pore size using  the image analysis software Image-Pro Plus 6.0 .
Analyze the experimental data, the distribution structure of medical titanium porous micro arc oxidation film is as follows:  according to the mean diameter, the pores of film can be divided into large pores (> 5μm), middle pores (1 ~ 5μm), small pores (0.5 ~ 1μm),and micro pores (< 0.5μm) ; according to the pore area, the pores of film can be divided into large pores(>20μm2), middle pores (5~20μm2), small pores (1~5μm2)and micro pores (<1μm2); the porosity of medical titanium porous micro arc oxidation film shows a clear upward trend of increase with the change of current density(20A/dm2 ,25 A/dm2,30 A/dm2,38A/dm2);no significant change in trend with the change of frequency (500Hz, 600Hz, 700Hz,800Hz); decreases significantly with the change of duty cycle (10%,15%, 20%, 25%); shows a clear upward trend with the drop of the concentration of calcium and phosphorus ratio of  the micro arc oxidation electrolyte(3:1, 2.5:1, 2:1, 1.67:1) .
Keywords: medical titanium; micro-arc oxidation; porosity; Image-Pro Plus 6.0

第一章 绪论
本课题把扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和图像分析软件Image-Pro Plus 6.0组合成图像分析系统,以SEM作为图像拾取系统,拍摄获取医用钛材微弧氧化膜层的孔隙形貌图像,利用图像分析软件Image-Pro Plus 6.0对经扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观测的医用钛材微弧氧化膜层的孔隙形貌进行研究,测定不同表面的微孔孔隙尺寸、平均直径、孔隙面积等特征参数,计算孔隙率,并按照孔隙大小分区进行计算并研究孔隙分布情况,给医用钛材微弧氧化膜层的微观结构分析提供有效的途径,提高研究效率,为医用钛材进一步的研究与开发提供理论依据。