长江流域水位监测流量【外文翻译】,包括英文原文和中文翻译英文原文及翻译observed trends of annual maximum water level and streamflowduring past 130 years in the yangtze river basin chinaabstractannu...

此文档由会员 那年三月 发布
Observed trends of annual maximum water level and streamflow during past 130 years in the Yangtze River basin China
Annual maximum streamflow and annual maximum water level and their variations exert most serious influences on human society. In this paper temporal trends and frequency changes at three major stations of Yangtze River i.e. Yichang Hankou andDatong representing upper middle and lower reaches respectively were detected with the help of parametric t-test Mann–Kendall (MK) analysis and wavelet transform methods. The results show that: (1) there is a significant upward trend instreamflow at middle Yangtze River indicating that flood hazard in the middle reach of the river the flood rich region will bemore serious; (2) there is a consistent increase of water level from upper to lower reaches of the river which does not alwayscoincide with the maximum streamflow variations; and (3) the periods of water level changes are decreasing over timeindicating the increasing occurrence frequency of annual maximum water level over time. This phenomenon is more obviousfrom upper Yangtze River to the lower Yangtze River. Human activities like destruction of vegetation land reclamation and construction of levees reduced lake sizes and filled up the river bed reducing the flood storage capacity of lakes and fluvial channel. These factors led to higher water level even some times the streamflow is small. Human should adjust his activity to
enhance his adaptive capacity to flood hazard in the future.q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
摘 要
每年最大流量和最高水位及其变化严重影响着人类社会。本文中,分析了长江上分别代表着上,中,下游河段的三个主要测站----宜昌,汉口,大同站的时间和频率的变化趋势,分别借助于参数t -检验方法,以及Mann–Kendal分析方法和微波变换方法。结果表明
由于人类引发的“温室效应”导致的全球气候变暖将导致时空分布的区域水资源和全球水循环发生变化. 越来越多的研究人员关心分水岭流量的趋势以及探讨他们与全球气候变异和变化并与人类活动的关系。已经制定的不同的结论反映了区域和全球气候以及水文制度的巨大的多样性。。。
Observed trends of annual maximum water level and streamflow during past 130 years in the Yangtze River basin China
Annual maximum streamflow and annual maximum water level and their variations exert most serious influences on human society. In this paper temporal trends and frequency changes at three major stations of Yangtze River i.e. Yichang Hankou andDatong representing upper middle and lower reaches respectively were detected with the help of parametric t-test Mann–Kendall (MK) analysis and wavelet transform methods. The results show that: (1) there is a significant upward trend instreamflow at middle Yangtze River indicating that flood hazard in the middle reach of the river the flood rich region will bemore serious; (2) there is a consistent increase of water level from upper to lower reaches of the river which does not alwayscoincide with the maximum streamflow variations; and (3) the periods of water level changes are decreasing over timeindicating the increasing occurrence frequency of annual maximum water level over time. This phenomenon is more obviousfrom upper Yangtze River to the lower Yangtze River. Human activities like destruction of vegetation land reclamation and construction of levees reduced lake sizes and filled up the river bed reducing the flood storage capacity of lakes and fluvial channel. These factors led to higher water level even some times the streamflow is small. Human should adjust his activity to
enhance his adaptive capacity to flood hazard in the future.q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
摘 要
每年最大流量和最高水位及其变化严重影响着人类社会。本文中,分析了长江上分别代表着上,中,下游河段的三个主要测站----宜昌,汉口,大同站的时间和频率的变化趋势,分别借助于参数t -检验方法,以及Mann–Kendal分析方法和微波变换方法。结果表明
由于人类引发的“温室效应”导致的全球气候变暖将导致时空分布的区域水资源和全球水循环发生变化. 越来越多的研究人员关心分水岭流量的趋势以及探讨他们与全球气候变异和变化并与人类活动的关系。已经制定的不同的结论反映了区域和全球气候以及水文制度的巨大的多样性。。。