

xxxx港钢铁件杂码头工程环境影响评价,原创完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用。4.4万字 100页 包括外文翻译原文和中文译文摘 要为适应浦口区沿江经济高速发展和xx江北钢材城建设需要,xx港七坝港区xxxx港国际物流有限公司决定实施钢铁件杂码头工程项目,为xx江北钢材城提供配送、装卸、仓储、信息服务,对外提供畅...
分类: 论文>材料科学论文


此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布



 4.4万字               100页                  包括外文翻译原文和中文译文
摘 要

关键词:钢铁件杂码头工程;污染源強;工程分析 ;预测

Order to meet the rapid economic development along the Yangtze River Pukou district and the city of Nanjing Jiangbei steel construction needs, Nanjing seven dam Hong Kong Port Area of Nanjing Yangtze River seven in Da Nang Steel International Logistics Co., Ltd. decided to implement miscellaneous wharf projects, providing Nanjing Jiangbei Steel City distribution, handling , warehousing, information services, external provide smooth and efficient port handling services. The proposed project is part of the new plan Port seven dams, bridges forest land located in Nanjing Pukou small street fair in Nanjing Panchiao Qidu upstream of approximately 350m at the left bank of the waters of the Yangtze River waterway Wujiang latent Island North Inlet, New Village ~ Panchiao Qidu river. Nanjing Banqiao town across the river, close to Nanjing Ring Road, convenient transportation.
In this paper, the Nanjing Yangtze River seven port construction dam construction period and operation period to generate water pollution, air pollution, noise and solid waste as the main object, according to March 2003, "the provincial government of Jiangsu Province on the surface water environmental function zoning approval "(Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, the Soviet government complex [2003] on the 29th) and" Jiangsu surface Water (Environment) function zoning, "the other requirements, complete engineering analysis to determine the pollutants producing sectors and sources of strong, and engineering analysis summary of construction environmental conditions in the project area were investigation and eva luation, completion of environmental impact assessment, given total control, and control of pollution or mitigate the effects of proposed countermeasures, it is possible to Nanjing, Hong Kong Port Area of Nanjing Yangtze River dam seven seven in Da Nang international Logistics steel construction Co., miscellaneous dock project to provide technical support and scientific basis, but also to better promote local economic development in Nanjing.
Key words: Miscellaneous steel dock project, Source Strength, Engineering Analysis, Forecast