城市空间扩展趋势分析—以xx市为例,原创论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用。3.3万字 75页 包括外文翻译原文和中文译文中文摘要 随着我国经济的发展,城市的空间也在迅速扩展之中。城市空间的扩张是在众多因素作用下呈现数量越来越大、速度越来越快的趋势。城市规模不断的扩大对城市的可持续发展和城市环境产生了较大的影响,也是当...
此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
3.3万字 75页 包括外文翻译原文和中文译文
Along with the development of our country economy, the space of the city is rapidly expanding. The urban expansion under many factors in the quantity is more and more, faster and faster trend. The expansion of the city scale has a greater impact on the sustainable development of the city and the city environment. It is also one of the hot spots in the research.
on the basis of collection and summary of domestic and foreign similar research results , this paper researched the dynamics of urban spatial expansion of Nanjing city and analyzed its promoting factors of urban expansion on extracting the construction of the city boundary by 1988-2013 seven years of remote sensing image data as the main data source.
This paper mainly studies the following contents
(1) study of methods of extracting city extension information.This paper selects the supervised classification, unsupervised classification and object-oriented classification method .By comparing and analyzing the results of three classifications,we choose the better classification results of classification method for urban construction with the information extraction.
(2) the research of Nanjing city spatial expansion characteristics . Proceeding from the angle of both quantitative and qualitative, we take expansion intensity index, compactness and divided as fractal dimension number of indicators to measure the city expansion. And quantitatively we use equal fan analysis, buffer analysis method and law of administrative divisions of Nanjing to study urban spatial expansion direction and speed characteristics.Then we study city spatial expansion characteristi-
cs from two aspects of city contour characteristics and city center moving.
(3) the study of the driving forces of Nanjing city spatial expansion. The main driving factors of Nanjing city urban spatial expansion are natural geographical environment, social and economic factors (demographic and economic factors), urban traffic system construction and government planning policy guidance.
The main conclusions are as follows: (1) we considered object-oriented classification method is better according to the obtained classification results , and its construction area classification results have the quasi optimal degree with prior outline of urban construction. (2) On the extended oriention, Nanjing city expands mainly along the Yangtze River to the northeast and southwest to the wings extended, secondly in the south-north oriention it expands along two sides of Expressway from Nanjing to Lianyungang and from Nanjing to Gaochun.On the expansion speed, the expansion of Nanjing city in early stage is fast and expansion slowed down in later stage. On expanded situation of each district in the urban area ,in early stage, the urban area expansion is main part of the expansion, in latter stage, the expansion of the new city is dominant.Especially in Jiangning District, extended range is the biggest. (3) On natural geographical environment, the Yangtze River and the purple mountain hindered Nanjing city developing towards the north and east , it constitutes Nanjing to develop along two wings of the Yangtze River to the northeast and southwest . On social and economic aspects, Nanjing urban expansion is not very sensitive to population growth , but economic development greatly affected the urban spatial expansion in Nanjing.On construction of urban traffic system, the framework of urban traffic outlines the external contour of urban morphology and its influence on urban spatial expansion is significant. On government planning policy ,government planning policy regulation has directed the changes of the entire city, as the saying goes,"urban development ,planning in advance."
Key words: Nanjing; city expansion; driving force; remote sensing