
富营养湖泊夏季水生植物群落特征及其影响因素分析,完整论文,已过查重系统,下载即可编辑使用。3.7万字 94页 包括外文翻译摘 要近年来由于频繁的人类活动以及管理上的疏忽,湖泊富营养化的现象越来越严重,富营养化湖泊水环境对水生植物群落的影响已成为当今重要的研究课题。本文以调研为基础,对xx市三个典型富营养湖泊(玄武湖、莫愁...

此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
3.7万字 94页 包括外文翻译
摘 要
Lake ecosystem is an ubiquitous ecosystem in the city in recent years. Due to human’s activities and the negligence of management, lake-eutrophication becames more and more serious in recent years. Therefore, the influence of aquatic environment on plant community has been becoming an important topic. The characters of the aquatic plants communities of three typical eutrophic lakes (Xuanwu Lake, Mochou Lake, Yueya Lake) in Nanjing was analyzed based on the survey. Using landscape ecology method, the typical sample plots were selected, and then the plant communities were classified. In order to collect the statistic data of the plant communities, the species, frequency and coverage of aquatic plant communities were analyzed. With the richness, diversity and evenness indexes, the communities’ features were reflected.
According to the surveying results, The richness and diversity and evenness indexes for aquatic plants in Xuanwu Lake of 7.38, 6.27 and 1.65 respectively, which were higher than other two lakes. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are abundant of aquatic plants in Xuanwu Lake and the common plants are mainly water lilies, alternanthera philoxeroides and lotus. There are 24 kinds of aquatic plants in Mochou Lake, and the application frequency of lotus is highest and up to 90%, and the richness, diversity and evenness indexes were 5.48, 3.92 and 1.23, slightly lower than that of Xuanwu Lake. There is a lack of floating plants and submerged plants in Mochou Lake. The species richness, diversity and evenness indexes for Yueya Lake are of 3.91, 3.36 and 1.17 respectively, which were the lowest among these three lakes. On the bank of Yueya lake, there are some alternanthera philoxeroides, miscanthus, and early ripe grasses, etc. The lake is covered with duckweed, leading to the transparency of water dropped sharply and hence depressed growth of submerged macrophytes. Generally speaking, the application frequency of alternanthera philoxeroides, iris pseudacorus and POA accounts more than 30%, but the application of submerged macrophytes is scarce. Only in Xuanwu Lake, there are verticillatum, myriophyllum and hornwort, which have ornamental value and ecological function.
The effects of water quality, water flow condition, artificial planting and dominant wind direction on the character of aquatic plants were also investigated. Survey results indicate that the average depth of Xuanwu Lake is 0.48m, while the transparency was only about 0.2m, which does not meet the requiretment for the growth of aquatic plants. Therefore, only in the shallow water, like the north part of the lake and the region near the island, the submerged macrophytes were found. At the same time, the artificial planting lotus blooming also makes the plant communities dull. Mochou Lake of, Due to the good management, nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients are not out of limits, but the pollution caused by heavy metal is serious. It is difficult for the submersed macrophytes to grow in Mochou Lake for its average depth of ~1m and water transparency of 0.4m.
The main plants on the bank of Mochou Lake are kentucky bluegrass, duchesnea indica and hygrophytes and begonia. There are artificially planted lotus and metasequoia glyptostroboides on some part of the surface of Mochou Lake, therefore, the communities are highly affected by artificial planting. Due to the discharge of sewage, the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in Yueya Lake are out of limits and the duckweed blooms rapidly at the same time. Because the duckweed has no stable root, the distribution of duckweed is influenced by wind direction. The average depth of Yueya Lake is 0.35 m, while the transparency was only 0.15m. Due to the coverage of duckweed, the submerged plants were not observed.
Key words: eutrophication; aquatic plants; influence factors; community characters