
水文模型研究与于桥水库洪水预报,完整论文,已过查重系统,下载可编辑使用。2.2万字 99页 包括外文翻译摘要于桥水库位于蓟运河流域左支州河,是“引栾入津”工程重点调蓄水库之一,总库容15.59亿m3。受大陆性季风气候、地形、人为因素等影响,该区域降水量集中与6~9月份,且年际变化大,故极端暴雨干旱灾害时有发生。因此,需要...

此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
2.2万字 99页 包括外文翻译
关键词:于桥水库;新安江模型; CASC2D模型;降雨径流关系;洪水预报系统
Yuqiao reservoir is located in the left branch of Zhouhe river on the Jiyunhe basin, it is one of the important regulating reservoir about ‘water diversion project from Luanhe river to Tianjin City’ project, which can store 1.559 billion m3 of water. Affected by some factors, such as continental monsoon climate, terrain, human factors, the most precipitation is concentrated in June to September, and the interanural change is big, so extreme torrential rain disasters sometimes may be occurred. Therefore, it is imperative to make such a forecasting system which is conducive to reservoir filling and water resources optimal allocation.
According to natural sub basin division method , Yuqiao was divided into four sub basins , Qiangmaozhuang , Shuipingkou , Longmenkou and the Yuqiao reservoir area . Then by using rainfall-runoff correlation diagram , the research of each sub basin was divided into different periods. The CASC2D model and Xin'anjiang model were applied to Qiangmaozhuang sub basin . in other sub basin because of the date's lack , we choose to use Xin'anjiang model only . watchable,two scheme were applied to Yuqiao reservoir area simulation and the results are satisfying . on the basis of those results , we developed the flood forecasting system which include date extraction , flood forecasting and flood routing to supply timely and accurate gist for Yuqiao reservoir opration.
Key Words: Yuqiao resrvior ; Xinanjiang model; CASCD2D model;Rainfall-runoff relationship;Flood forecasting system