
非饱和土在冲击载荷下力学响应试验研究,1.25万字 35页 原创作品,已过查重系统,下载可编辑使用。 摘 要地基的强夯法作为一种对非饱和土夯实有利的冲击荷载,是当今应用于工程上的主流地基压实方法,具有方便、快捷、经济等特点,但是由于非饱和土的结构不规律、应力复杂等特性,至今没有一套完善、有效的理论及规范来指导施工,依然以...

此文档由会员 joeandsam 发布
1.25万字 35页 原创作品,已过查重系统,下载可编辑使用。
摘 要
Foundation of dynamic compaction method as a of unsaturated compacted soil beneficial impact load, is today's application in engineering of mainstream foundation compaction method, with convenient, fast, economic and other characteristics, but due to the unsaturated soil structure is irregular, complex features force. So far, there is no a set of perfect and effective method and standard to guide the construction, still to experience based, so strong tamping mechanism and technology development and improvement still need further improvement. In this experiment, the mechanical response and parameters of unsaturated soil under impact load were studied by means of dynamic compaction test, which provided reference for the improvement and improvement of dynamic compaction method.
This experiment use hammer, dynamic testing instrument and soil pressure box tool, for unsaturated soil impact loading and the dynamic force measurement, got the soil stress distribution curve with depth, in order to analyze the dynamic stress in the vertical direction and the horizontal direction distribution and propagation rules; also measured tamping pit depth and width as well as the impact of changes in soil parameters and to study the stress characteristics of saturated soil non under impact load.
The study found that: (1) under the impact load, the soil stress decreases with the increase of soil depth, and the stress wave of very short duration, but the stress value is not zero in attenuation at the end; (2) under impact load, reducing the moisture content, void ratio, saturation decreases the degree of increase, while the density near the tamping point near the more far away from the tamping point increased less; (3) the horizontal and vertical direction of soil deformation with increasing compaction number tends to be stable, will eventually reach a critical value; (4) with the increase of depth, the impact of the effect is gradually weakened; the vertical dynamic stress of the main role in the shallow area, which is closer to the point of impact attenuation increases; with the increase of impact times, the dynamic stress is strengthened continuously, when reaching a certain number of impact when the dynamic stress growth gradually slowed down, finally consistent.
Key Words :Unsaturated soil, Impact load, Soil stress, Soil parameters.