人民币升值对xx电子进出口公司贸易的影响,摘 要目前人民币汇率问题一直是世人关注的焦点,人民币汇率的浮动弹性在逐渐扩大,而汇率波动对出口贸易的影响也在逐渐加深,故研究人民币汇率变动对我国出口贸易的影响意义深远。本文研究的对象就是在中国特定经济环境下的人民币汇率水平变动对中国出口贸易产生的影响,探讨在当前人民币升值压力下如何继续完善人民币汇率机制,最大程度上促进...
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
摘 要
关键词:对外贸易公司 人民币汇率 出口 影响 对策
Currently the RMB exchange rate issue has been the focus of world attention.The
flexibility of RMB exchange rate is gradually enlarged.Exchange rate fluctuations which impacts on export trade has gradually deepened.So it is significant to study the influence of the RMB exchange rate changes on China's export trade.In this paper,the author studies,under China's specific economic circumstances,the influence of the RMB exchange rate changes on China's export trade.The author also studies how to improve the RMB exchange rate mechanism and to the largest extent promote the development of Chinese export trade under the current pressure of RMB appreciation.The study process will be the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis.The author analyses the present situation of the flexibility of Chinese export of goods.The author grasps the nature of the problem and gets the following result:If the RMB real effective exchange rate reva lues,but the rate is not great,it will not cause great resistance to China's export commodities exports.So the paper obsevers the influence to our export and import from this certain small adjusting of exchange, and analyzes the negative influence and advantage fuction which the exchange reform takes to our foreign trade industry and enterprises. The it does researches and works our some devices to deal with the exchange reform.
Key words:RMB exchange rate export influence proposal
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究目的与意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1 国外研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 2
第2章 汇率研究基础 4
2.1 汇率理论及其评价 4
2.1.1 汇率的概念及作用 4
2.1.2 汇率理论概述
2.2 汇率制度的安排 5
2.2.1 汇率制度的概念与内容 4
2.2.2 固定汇率制及其特点
2.2.3 浮动汇率制及其特点
第3章 人民币升值对xx电子进出口公司贸易的影响 12
3.1 公司概况 12
3.2 企业的进出口现状 12
3.3 人民币升值后对企业进出口的积极影响 14
3.4 人民币升值后对企业进出口的消极影响 18
第4章 人民币升值的原因分析 20
4.1 人民币汇率制度的演变过程回顾 20
4.1.1双重汇率同时并存时期 20
4.1.2官方汇率与调剂汇率并存时期 21
第5章 人民币升值的对策研究 12
5.1 宏观对策研究 12
5.1.1 运用金融手段,化解人民币升值风险 12
5.1.2 对现行外贸政策反思和重新定位 14
5.2 微观对策研究
5.2.1 积极采用避险工具,规避汇率风险
5.2.2 调整企业经营战略,提高竞争实力
结束语 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
关键词:对外贸易公司 人民币汇率 出口 影响 对策
Currently the RMB exchange rate issue has been the focus of world attention.The
flexibility of RMB exchange rate is gradually enlarged.Exchange rate fluctuations which impacts on export trade has gradually deepened.So it is significant to study the influence of the RMB exchange rate changes on China's export trade.In this paper,the author studies,under China's specific economic circumstances,the influence of the RMB exchange rate changes on China's export trade.The author also studies how to improve the RMB exchange rate mechanism and to the largest extent promote the development of Chinese export trade under the current pressure of RMB appreciation.The study process will be the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis.The author analyses the present situation of the flexibility of Chinese export of goods.The author grasps the nature of the problem and gets the following result:If the RMB real effective exchange rate reva lues,but the rate is not great,it will not cause great resistance to China's export commodities exports.So the paper obsevers the influence to our export and import from this certain small adjusting of exchange, and analyzes the negative influence and advantage fuction which the exchange reform takes to our foreign trade industry and enterprises. The it does researches and works our some devices to deal with the exchange reform.
Key words:RMB exchange rate export influence proposal
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 研究目的与意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
1.3.1 国外研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 2
第2章 汇率研究基础 4
2.1 汇率理论及其评价 4
2.1.1 汇率的概念及作用 4
2.1.2 汇率理论概述
2.2 汇率制度的安排 5
2.2.1 汇率制度的概念与内容 4
2.2.2 固定汇率制及其特点
2.2.3 浮动汇率制及其特点
第3章 人民币升值对xx电子进出口公司贸易的影响 12
3.1 公司概况 12
3.2 企业的进出口现状 12
3.3 人民币升值后对企业进出口的积极影响 14
3.4 人民币升值后对企业进出口的消极影响 18
第4章 人民币升值的原因分析 20
4.1 人民币汇率制度的演变过程回顾 20
4.1.1双重汇率同时并存时期 20
4.1.2官方汇率与调剂汇率并存时期 21
第5章 人民币升值的对策研究 12
5.1 宏观对策研究 12
5.1.1 运用金融手段,化解人民币升值风险 12
5.1.2 对现行外贸政策反思和重新定位 14
5.2 微观对策研究
5.2.1 积极采用避险工具,规避汇率风险
5.2.2 调整企业经营战略,提高竞争实力
结束语 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31