
此文档由会员 白痴学东西 发布
关键词 纳税筹划 增值税 所得税
Biological assets are not only the most important means of production for enterprises, but also the main component of agricultural assets. Therefore, how to recognize measure biological assets have tremendous influence to the reasonable disposition for agricultural resources .Focus on the accounting of boliogy assets pedigreestation of Baishan. Introduction .Sketch background, purpose and meaning in which this article studies, summing up the domestic and international research dynamic status, defining there search range of this article, establishing the research purpose of this article and research approach .In the measurement pattern and in the method choice, uses the mix the measurement pattern, to the biological assets calculation asked that divides into two stages, the initial confirmation stage and confirms the stage once more. Divide into regarding the initial confirmation stage to mature and the immature consumptive biological assets and the production biological assets calculation. In the calculation carries on the measurement first to the historical costs, cultivates in the process to carry on the measurement to the unearned increment part, then designed the idea which the mature biological assets accumulation amortized to raise, to biological assets end of the period valuation, thus computation birth property value. Made the specific stipulation to the enterpris internalcontrol,the biological assets duty separation control system has carried on the design, to quarantine and the guard handling system design, to the biological assets risk control design, facilitated in enterprise's management.
key words biological assets historical cost natural appreciation
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 企业概况 1
1.1企业简介 1
1.2选题背景 1
1.3研究现状 2
第2章 xx机电公司会计制度选择设计 4
2.1 现金及现金等价物的确定标准 4
2.2应收款项 4
2.3存货 4
2.4长期投资 4
2.5固定资产 5
2.6在建工程 5
2.7无形资产 5
2.8借款费用 5
2.9预计负债 5
2.10收入确认原则 5
2.12所得税的会计处理方法 5
第3章 xx机电税收筹划制度设计 7
3.1会计科目设计 7
3.1.1增值税会计科目 7
3.1.2所得税会计科目 9
3.2会计凭证设计 9
3.3增值税的纳税筹划设计 10
3.3.1应纳税额的确定 10
3.3.2进项税额的核算 10
3.3.3销项税额的核算 13
3.3.4进项税额转出的核算 13
3.4所得税的纳税筹划设计 13
3.4.1应交所得税的核算 17
3.4.2预交所得税的核算 17
3.4.3年终汇算清缴所得税 20
3.4.4上年利润调整的核算 21
结束语 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
关键词 纳税筹划 增值税 所得税
Biological assets are not only the most important means of production for enterprises, but also the main component of agricultural assets. Therefore, how to recognize measure biological assets have tremendous influence to the reasonable disposition for agricultural resources .Focus on the accounting of boliogy assets pedigreestation of Baishan. Introduction .Sketch background, purpose and meaning in which this article studies, summing up the domestic and international research dynamic status, defining there search range of this article, establishing the research purpose of this article and research approach .In the measurement pattern and in the method choice, uses the mix the measurement pattern, to the biological assets calculation asked that divides into two stages, the initial confirmation stage and confirms the stage once more. Divide into regarding the initial confirmation stage to mature and the immature consumptive biological assets and the production biological assets calculation. In the calculation carries on the measurement first to the historical costs, cultivates in the process to carry on the measurement to the unearned increment part, then designed the idea which the mature biological assets accumulation amortized to raise, to biological assets end of the period valuation, thus computation birth property value. Made the specific stipulation to the enterpris internalcontrol,the biological assets duty separation control system has carried on the design, to quarantine and the guard handling system design, to the biological assets risk control design, facilitated in enterprise's management.
key words biological assets historical cost natural appreciation
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 企业概况 1
1.1企业简介 1
1.2选题背景 1
1.3研究现状 2
第2章 xx机电公司会计制度选择设计 4
2.1 现金及现金等价物的确定标准 4
2.2应收款项 4
2.3存货 4
2.4长期投资 4
2.5固定资产 5
2.6在建工程 5
2.7无形资产 5
2.8借款费用 5
2.9预计负债 5
2.10收入确认原则 5
2.12所得税的会计处理方法 5
第3章 xx机电税收筹划制度设计 7
3.1会计科目设计 7
3.1.1增值税会计科目 7
3.1.2所得税会计科目 9
3.2会计凭证设计 9
3.3增值税的纳税筹划设计 10
3.3.1应纳税额的确定 10
3.3.2进项税额的核算 10
3.3.3销项税额的核算 13
3.3.4进项税额转出的核算 13
3.4所得税的纳税筹划设计 13
3.4.1应交所得税的核算 17
3.4.2预交所得税的核算 17
3.4.3年终汇算清缴所得税 20
3.4.4上年利润调整的核算 21
结束语 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
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